Episode 1:Observation

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"Beast Boy to Robin...I'm on my way." The Green Changling told his leader and ran out of the school ready to leave his lost-love behind. Beast Boy was finally letting go of Terra since he found that she wasn't the Terra he knew and went to go help his teammates. The Titans were chasing down that mysterious creature. It could camouflage itself with its surroundings. There was a young boy with a mask, An alien princess, a green changling, a half-man half-robot and finally a half-human half demon girl calling themselves the Teen Titans. they protected and kept the city safe and returned from defeating the Brotherhood of evil seeing that some things in the city are changing.  As they were trying to stop the mysterious alien creature a mysterious small wormhole appeared and out popped a small electric mouse known as a Pikachu. It looked injured and beaten but it watched the Titans run past by. Robin threw some grenades at the creature but it threw a car at him. 

Starfire threw starbolts at the creature distracting it long enough for Cyborg to shoot his arm cannon at it causing it to fly through the sky. Raven caught it in a dark sphere and Beast Boy rammed it into a wall. they slowly approached the unconscious alien but they chained it up sending to prison. "Good job Titans. that creature won't be bothering the city anymore. Let's go home." Robin praised his teammates and they went home. "Robin? what exactly was that creature?" Starfire asked him. "I don't know Star. but it's gone now." As they were passing through the same alley the small yellow mouse was recovering in Raven stopped and looked at the dark alleyway. 

Raven narrowed her eyes as if she senses something but she brushes it off and returned home to her room. The small electric mouse saw Raven but it kept itself hidden. It slowly turned into a Gastly and follows them home to their T-shaped tower. Beast Boy and Cyborg immediately went to play Video Games as Starfire hung out with Robin. Raven however went to her room and just meditated quietly but she still couldn't let that strange feeling go. "What was that I felt? It felt strange and weird..." She tried to figure out that strange feeling as The creature who was a ghost quietly observed the Titans through they're windows. It sees Cyborg and Beast Boy playing Video games and having fun while he sees Robin and Starfire enjoying they're time together. "Where's that girl who I saw?" Pika wondered as he searched for her until he found her in her room. 

Raven felt a presence the same one she felt in the alley and slowly looked around her room. "I know there is something here...but i can't see it. Azarath...Metrion...Zinthos." Raven chanted and used her powers around her room. her eyes went white but she did see something outside her window. It was faint but she sees a gaseous figure. Pika fled and went back to the Alley where he was before he was caught. Raven stopped as she sees the mysterious creature flee and was confused. "What was that? Did it have to do with our strange visitor?" She thought to herself. 

Pika stayed in the alley where he was teleported to and made himself a little house out of a cardboard box and newspaper. Raven thought to herself about the mysterious figure that was outside her window. "I don't think whoever this creature is wasn't with our strange visitor...but still i must warn the others." 

Raven immediately went towards the other Titans to tell them what she sensed. "Um...Guys?" The others focused on her as they looked at her with intrigue. "what is it Raven? does it have something to do with the creature?" Robin asked her.  "Um...I don't know Robin. I did sense something interesting as we were walking back home...but it probably was nothing." Raven went back to her room and studied some spell books. Robin watched Raven go as he was with Starfire as Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing Super Smash Bros Melee. "Man...I wish Pokémon were real...that would be so awesome! We would have our own Pokémon to train." Beast Boy told Cyborg but Cyborg scoffed. "Keep dreaming BB...Pokémon don't exist...but i would really like a Rotom." Starfire overheard Beast Boy and Cyborg talking about Pokémon and was interested. "Robin? What are these "Pokémon" that Beast Boy and Cyborg are talking about?" Robin explained to Starfire about what Pokémon are and everything he possibly can about them. "But Starfire...Pokémon don't exist. they're just video game characters." Starfire looked disappointed. "Oh...that is too bad. I wish to see more of these interesting delightful creatures."

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