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I went to sleep but something wasn't right about this dream... In this moon and sun were in from of me I felt there hands touch my body it felt cold and empty they had a dark tone when they speak "y/n darling you are ours and only ours you will never leave my side even in death we will always be here" when they said I'll always be here gave me chills down my spine I was scared I stayed quiet as they kept me in there arms it felt so real I wanted to run or scream but I couldn't I just laid there next thing I knew everything turned black and when I opened my eyes it's was morning I was confused and got up scared of why I had that nightmare I made me coffee and felt like I was being watched again I didn't like it I wanted to be happy without feeling watch it was time to go to work so I took a shower got dressed and went to work at the cafe and did so the rest of the day....

193 words
Hey everyone I'm sorry I didn't post anything I was busy and stressed I'm very sorry I'm trying as best as I can to post more parts but have a good day or night bye 💜

yandere Sundrop/moondrop X Reader (A Broken Factory Book 1) Where stories live. Discover now