Chapter 134

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Giyu POV
Oh my gosh...a girl...

The sudden thought of becoming a father settled in.

(Y/n) and I were home now and I couldn't stop cuddling her. We were lying down in bed together and I was snuggled into her shoulder.

"Usually our roles are switched." (Y/n) giggled sweetly.

"I know...I'm just excited..."

My hand found comfort in hers as I squeezed it gently. Relaxation taking over, I kissed (y/n)'s cheek.

It was already dark outside and (y/n) quickly fell asleep. I could feel my eyes grow heavy with each breath she took.

I fell asleep not long after.

A couple weeks later

Work was going slow as usual and the kids were loud as usual. Unfortunately, the day had just started.

"So you're having a little girl?" Kanae asked.

"I also heard the you two were having a girl!" Rengoku shouted.

My eyebrows scrunched together in annoyance.

"It's only fitting that my (y/n) would have an adorable little princess!"

She's not your (y/n).

"Congrats to you both." Himejima cried.

Who told them this time?

"Yes." I answered curtly and rested my head in my hand.

Kanae awed and clapped her hands, "Do you guys have a name in mind yet?"

"No...not yet."

I won't lie when I say I have been thinking of names...but we haven't decided on a name together...

"Do you guys need ideas?" Sabito chimed in.

I slightly glared at him.

It's probably somehow his fault they all found out.

Sabito hid behind Sanemi with a nervous chuckle.

I knew it.

"What kind of name are you looking for?" Himejima asked.

I thought for a moment.

I really have no idea...I want it to be something special though...

"I've always really liked the name Cho!" Kanae smiled.

"Of course you would choose the word meaning butterfly." Tengen laughed.

Kanae hummed and tugged his hoodie strings to the point where the string came out. Tengen yelped in response.

Sanemi laughed at the two of them as other's began voicing their opinions.

"Cho is pretty, but does it suit the Tomioka family?" Sabito asked.

Suit? Are we supposed to name our kid something stereotypical? Like Umi?

"What about Ame? The word for rain?"

"You could do Nami for waves!"

"The word for sea is Kairi, that's a super pretty name!"

"She'll be a summer baby, Kanna is derived for summer waves!"

Tengen elbowed Rengoku in the side, "You idiot, Kanna isn't derived from summer waves."

"Yes it is!"

Everyone continued to shout out names, but I didn't feel that any of them were right? Maybe that was because I wasn't with (y/n), but I honestly have no idea what we're going to name her.

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