1-New friend

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It's really cold tonight . Since my exclusion from brotherhood , i have to sleep outside . In Siberia . I have to find my own food . But i'm not complaining . For the first time in my life I'm free

I start a fire . As I'm sitting and eating my dinner i heard something from the woods . It could be avalanche but it don't have to be

(Y/N):„I better check it out"

When i got there , i saw it was an avalanche . So I was right . Then i notice something moving in the snow .

I quickly make my way to it and start rake . After a moment i saw a woman . I quickly take her by bridal style and take her to my camp fire

(Y/N):„Thank god she's still alive"

i said and place her next my fire . She have to be freezing right now

After a while she opened her eyes and looked at me . I can't exactly read her emotions , but i know she tried to figure who i am


Lara POV

When i opened my eyes , i noticed that i'm not dead . First thing i saw was a man with some type of black suit a and his hood on . He looked at me and looked like he tried to read my emotions

???:„Don't worry . I'm not gonna hurt you . Unless you tried to kill me"

I don't plan to kill him . He could kill me already , but he didn't . So he can't be that bad

Lara:„If you're not gonna give me a reason . Who are you ?"i asked him

???:„My name is (Y/N)(L/N) . I dug you out of snow . You're lucky . Not everyone could survive that"

Lara:„Lara . Thanks"

(Y/N):„Don't mention it . Nice to meet you , Lara"

Lara:„Likewise . Can i ask you something ?"

(Y/N):„Since i've got no other plans . Shoot"he said and add more woods to the campfire

Lara:„What are you doing here ? I mean , why are you alone in the middle of night in forest"

(Y/N):„Because i have nowhere to go . No one to watch my back"

he said last part quietly , but i still heard it

Lara:„Why ?"

(Y/N):„Because sometimes it's better"he said and looked into my eyes .

He has really pretty (E/C) eyes , but hood still didn't revealed his hair

(Y/N):„You hungry ?"

Lara:„Hh ?"

(Y/N):„I maked i dinner and i figured out , that you could be hungry"

Then he take out stick with a meat from the fire and handed to me . A accept it , because i was really hungry . As I'm eating he look to the ground

(Y/N):„And you ? What are you doing here ?"

Lara:„I'm looking for something"

(Y/N):„Thank's for the details"he said sarcastically and i can help but chuckle at his comment

Lara:„I'm looking for something with a power to change to world . But there's a people who looking for it too . They called themselfs Trinity . I need to find it first"

(Y/N):„I guess you're a good one in this , right"

Lara:„Well , i hope so"

(Y/N):„You know it's not safe here . Here , take this . Just for the safety"he said and handed me a bow

Lara:„Thanks . Well , but why don't you kill me . You know that now when i have a bow i could kill you , right ?"

(Y/N):„Go ahead . You can try , but trust me . If you miss your arrow , I'm not"

Lara:„Okay ? Anyway . What are you gonna do now ?"

(Y/N):„I don't know . I have no friends , no family , no home and no plans . So i guess , anything"

Lara:„Well i could use someone who can defend himself . Help me and I can be your friend . Deal ?"

He laugh and look at me

(Y/N):„So friends now ? You know , that normal friends aren't walking in woods and killing ... how did you said they're calling ?"

Lara:„Trinity . They coul-"

(Y/N):„Change the world . I know . You said that already"

After a momemt of silence a remembered Jonah , so quickly take my walkie-talkie

Lara:„Jonah , if you can hear me . Go back . Please don't try to find me"no response


After a few minutes of silence Lara's walkie-talkie make a sound's of humming and then a voice trought it said

???:„Men are scouring the ruins at the mountains . If the artifact is here . We'll find it"

???:„And what of the remnant ?"

???:„They continue to resist us . But we'll have the situation in hand soon enough"

???:„Good , Trinity has faith in you"


(Y/N):„Okay , we're goona make some knowledge about surroundings , find some supplies . Then we're gonna rest for a while . Or me at least amd then , early in the morning we're going to find the ruins they talked about"

Lara:„So you're in ?"

(Y/N): Yea , i could use some friends"

Lara:„Sounds like a plan . And Thanks . You know , you can let me die . But you saved me and now you're helping me"

(Y/N):„Yea , you're welcome . So , shall we ?"i said and pointed at the forrest

Lara:„Yea , let's go"

A/N: Okay , i rewrite this chapter and I'm rewriting the second one . I want to start with this book again . You can let me know if that's good . Vote or follow's gonna make my day <3

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