thirty nine.

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my first time sitting in the deans office and it wasn't for a good reason. he sat at his desk clearly irritated, while Grace and i sat next to each other in different chairs.

" you know, " he paused, taking his glasses off his face and placing them on his desk. " this isn't the first time i'm hearing about something like this going on. "

neither one of us spoke. we didn't dare to.

" this is unacceptable. what is the problem between you two? " dean andrews asked, leaning forward in his seat. " taylor, please go first. explain why you two have been seen in a physical altercation three times."

i looked over at Grace trying not to roll my eyes. " it's all because she's mad that finn and i started dating once he found out she's been cheating. she's been causing every problem, while i have been trying to avoid it but she's always saying insensitive things to me about my father and sister.. and other things. "

dean andrews cleared his throat and looked at me. " yes, i've heard about that and i'm incredibly sorry that happened to you, especially in Graces room. "

he scolded the brunette next to me, causing her to shrink in her chair. Grace looked like she wanted to say something but he was piercing through her soul with his eyes.

dean andrews motioned his hand telling Grace she could now speak. she sat there playing with her fingers, almost like she was nervous.

" she's been plotting against me since she's first came here! " Grace said, looking at me with hatred. " spreading lies— "

" lies?! " i almost shouted, sitting forward in my chair. " your mad that i was looking out for my friend at the time? how are you upset i didn't want to see him hurt over a girl like you? "

Grace scoffed. " a girl like me? "

" yes! " i replied. " you are cold hearted bitch! "

" ms. evans language. "

" i'm sorry okay? but she's been nothing but an asshole to me! you've made fun of me being raped, you've made jokes about my dads death, you helped my ex kidnap and torture me! " i finished, sort of out of breath. " all because finn realized he could do so much better. you need to accept the fact that he no longer loves you. you are a person nobody would want to be with. i'm actually sorry for you, your so miserable— "

" i am not miserable! " Grace shouted. " i've never said anything about— "

" but you are. " i snapped back. " you try everyday to make my life just like yours and it won't work because i'm nothing like you. you don't realize the trauma you put me through but you know what Grace? it's only making me stronger and you weaker.  you are a shit person. "

" ladies. " dean andrews voice boomed. " enough. Grace now wouldn't be the time to lie, i've heard the things you have said to taylor myself and i'm not pleased. "

and he's never said anything? he just stood there and let it happen?

i looked at the dean and felt anger rising in me. " and you just let her keep going? you never stepped in and stopped her? "

" taylor— "

" no! " i stood up, walking back and forth. " you said it yourself! you've heard what she's said to me and you never did anything about it! she's harassed me for months and nobodies ever did anything! she literally helped fucking kidnap me and here she is! back at school a few weeks later. "

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