Chapter 12

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Tony, Sarah, Sam

As the group walks in, they see tall light green columns going as far as the sky. The ceiling looks like something you would see in a painting. The walls were covered in words from a language they couldn't decipher. The sound system was booming with words they couldn't understand. As the group looks around the room, they see a bunch of people walking in all directions going through different doors. Tony looks around and sees that each door is different in color and size. He looks at Lynor and asks "Where do each door lead to? Does the color of the door have any significance? Why are there different door sizes?" Lynor interrupts him and says "Not right now, too many eyes..."

       He leads the group to a red polygon shaped door. It leads to a dark narrow hallway. We had to walk in line to get through the hallway. It led out to a big bustling kitchen full of people speed walking with platters of food. Lynor walks up to what seems like a person at first until you see that her feet were similar to eagle claws. While looking at her close enough she also has feathers on her head, but you could easily mistake it as hair. Lyndda whispers something to her and she leads the group to a small gold circular door. Lyndda looks at us and says "Everyone this is Sohpiy. She will help us out. watch your head when going through the door. "

       Sarah whispers in Lyndda ear and ask "Where are you taking us? Not that I don't trust you..I mean we did just meet like a day ago. I'll just be quiet now." Lyndda smiles and says "Thank you." As it seem like an eternity, they start walking downstairs to a big triangle white door. Lynor turns to the group and says "When we get in there don't say anything about earth or humans. As far as you are concern, you are our nieces and nephew. Your parents had an unfortunate accident and we are now taking care of you. No need to get into details about this..if they ask you about the accident, then just start crying. Sam looks him in the eye and bluntly says "I can't cry..ever since I was little tears would never come. The doctors says it's something mentally blocking me from crying like a past event that affected me. So let's just say it was unknown and it's a unsolved case."

       Lyndda frowns and says "Baby, I'm here to talk whenever you want." Sarah smiles and says "It's not all bad, I always win when it comes to poker!" Lynor shush them and says "Don't act like a human once we get in there." Tony snorts and says "Please tell me how we're supposed to do that ...I mean that's all we know how to do. Plus we definitely look like humans." Lynor looks at him and whispers "In this world, everyone is mixed with different genes. There is not just one species on this world. In this world, everyone is different and it's best not to judge them based on looks. Like look at Sohpiy. At first you thought she was human like us but then you saw her claws on her feet and saw feathers growing out her head. I bet you don't even know what she is?" Tony smiles and says " that's true, you really do look like a human, but it okay for you to know that we are humans?"

       Sohpiy snorts and say "I'm not gonna eat you up if that's what you are worried about but your friend here is a different story. Her eyes drift toward Sarah's direction. Sarah swiftly looks away and says "Don't you think it's time to go in?" Sohpiy laughs and precedes to open the door She whispers "Nice to meet you." As the group walks in, they find an all white room with marble walls and marble floors. What catches their eye is a tall figure pacing back and forth in the middle of the room. As they get closer, they see that he has round gray rat ears with a human-like face. He has human-like legs with rat-like claws for feet. He looks at the group and bluntly says "What are you waiting for..come on! I don't have time for you to just stand there like statues. Lyndda laughs and playfully says "You never change Gorduoy. It's not nice to see you today." Gorduoy snorts and laughingly replies "I agree Ly-Lyndda. What have you brought me today?" He glances at the group and see's 3 unknown beings staring at him. He walks forward and scans each of them from head to toe. Gorduoy looked unimpressed and whispers "you brought me humans. Lyndda of all things to bring me, you decided THIS?" Tony annoyingly replies "I think we are a great present.. You can learn about our anatomy and what makes us human. Look, I'm sensing you are naturally curious like I am so if you help us then you get full rein on us." Lyndda shushes him and says "Look we really need your help. We just need badges and you make the best badges in the land. I ..I promise to let you experiment on them to a certain extent!" Lynor pipes up and says "And we need this by the end of the day."

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