VIII. Dependencies

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Returning to normal life after visiting the Menagerie felt like stepping into an old movie – by contrast, everything felt washed out and unfocused. Miles did, however, feel more relaxed than he had in a long time. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed the social life he'd shared with his ex-boyfriend, and now that he'd had a taste of the Seneca City nightlife, he didn't think he'd be going back to spending weekends at home by himself.

Nevertheless, Mr. Riley's health class remained a unique challenge. The first problem was that the teacher continued to supplement his lectures with photos of models that could have been porn stars. For example, the high-definition images of a very athletic tiger, shown from the front and side, were currently being displayed on the large screen at the front of the class. The model's prominent erection was almost as admirable as his physique, and based on the way some of his classmates were shifting in their seats, he didn't think he was the only one to notice.

The images had been carefully cropped so most of the tiger's face wasn't visible, preserving his anonymity, but that just encouraged Miles' imagination. He pictured a cocky young zeta with a smirk, thick fingers slowly easing down his torso until they wrapped around his cock, thick and glistening in the photographer's lights.

And then Miles realized what he was doing and forced himself to focus on his tablet to take notes. During previous lectures, Miles had exerted a great deal of self control to keep those types of thoughts in check. He'd assumed that after the weekend, (and after getting laid for the first time in months, not counting that situation with Alec) that would have been easier. Instead, he found that his fantasies had grown more vivid.

With some hesitation, he began using the tricks he'd used before to keep his mind from lingering on the sensual details. No matter how comfortable he was starting to get around zetamorphs, there was no doubt that it would be a bad idea if his classmates put together what Miles' arousal scents in this class might mean. Alec had, after all. He'd been lucky that the wolf was open to the idea rather than repulsed by it. He couldn't count on his other classmates being so open minded.

"Sexually speaking, felinid males are most known for the presence of penile spines, more commonly referred to as barbs, located near the tips of their penises, as pictured here." The canine zeta, pacing near the front of the room, paused and used a small laser pointer to call attention to the anatomy in question.

The cock itself was mostly smooth, with a rounded tip. It was just human enough in shape to be appealing and familiar to Miles, but still exotic. Like the other zeta penises he'd seen, this one had a pink, fleshy color that made it stand out sharply from the fur around it. Unlike those, a collection of small, fleshy prickles were prevalent in an inch-wide ring near the tip. Miles inevitably started thinking about what the texture might feel like – first, just against his fingers, but that idle speculation quickly turned more intimate.

He also started to compare it to the others he'd seen recently. He thought Alec's might have been thicker overall, but the tiger was still hung by human standards. Without meaning to, that thought spurred him to glance to his right. The wolf, his dark brown fur looking black in the low light, was staring ahead with steadfast interest, tail down and curled under his seat while eyes and ears were stiffly focused on the front of the room. The human had the distinct impression Alec was ignoring him, which probably made sense after their awkward conversation in the bathroom of the Menagerie. He'd basically told Alec to fuck off and mind his own business. Now, he worried he'd been too severe.

"—are used to stimulate ovulation in females and facilitate reproduction. They are composed primarily of fibrous tissue called keratin."

Miles set his jaw and refocused on the lecture. He didn't usually have this kind of difficulty paying attention in his classes. He had the grades to show it. But the subject matter was too close to the other things his mind had been focused on, and that made it harder to keep his thoughts from drifting.

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