10 Months

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Even though it was October already, it was still relatively warm outside. Atleast, not cold enough to freeze your bug sisters so the five of you were sitting in the courtyard, appreciating the nice weather that did not happen often late this year.

It was late in the afternoon, Bela was sitting on the ground, reading a book by herself. Cassandra was busy sharpening the sisters' sickles, while you and Daniela were sitting on a bench, resting against your mother. She was reading a story to the both of you. Well, initially it was just for you, but Daniela really wanted to join and Alcina was never one to say no to her dear daughters.

"Little one, do you want to read with me?" Bela called, hoping you'd walk over to her. Your family had recently tried to encourage you to walk. They would call you from wherever you were sitting in the hopes that you would start to walk, but so far all you did was crawl towards them. Today was no different. You let yourself slide off of the bench and crawled towards where your eldest sister was sitting, snuggling up against her.

Bela puts an arm around you, pulls you closer and kisses the top of your head. "Next time you'll get it, right?" She chuckles.

"Yes." You speak softly, as if understanding what she just said. Bela starts to read the page she was on to you.

A little while later, Cassandra decides to give it a try. "Hey Y/N, wanna help me with this sickle?"

You nod and hesitate whether or not you should stand. Bela tries to help you by putting you upright, waiting for your next move. But you decide crawling is better so once again you crawl over to your dark haired sister.

"Shouldn't she be walking already, Mother?" Daniela questions, looking at Alcina.

"No, my dear. It's normal for her to still be crawling. She is in the age range of where she could start to walk, though." She answers, caressing the redhead's hair. "But all in due time."

You made your way over to Cassandra and sat down next to her, putting your thumb in your mouth as you tilt your head. You look carefully at how she sharpens the sword. You release your thumb from your mouth with a small plop. Then you tap on the sickle. "Cassi." You say as you look at your sister.

"When you're older, we will get you one as well." Cassandra answers. You wrap your small hand around hers as best as you can, holding onto the weapon just like her, making your sister giggle softly.

"Do you wanna hold it?" The brunette asks.

"Yes." You answer as you nod. She carefully hands it to you, making sure the sharp blade is turned away from you and keeping her hands under the weapon in case you drop it.

Her eyes never leave you, neither do your mother's, but before either of them can even comprehend what happens, you run your finger along the sharp edge of the blade. You let out a high pitched yelp, causing Cassandra to quickly grab the sickle from your hands so you don't harm yourself further as you start to cry.

With Daniela now also standing up, Alcina was quick to rush towards you, kneeling beside your sister and you.

"How the hell did she do that so fast?!" Cassandra exclaims, looking at you confused.

"I don't know, I barely even saw it myself." The tall woman replies, gently grabbing your finger to look at it. Before everyone's eyes, the wound slowly heals itself, leaving no trace of the injury except for the blood still surrounding it. "Well that's curious." Your mother says.

"Does she have the same powers as you, Mother?" Cassandra questions, frowning at Alcina.

"I don't know… maybe she does?" Alcina replies. "Mother Miranda might know more, I will call her immediately." She kisses the top of your head and gracefully pushes herself upright. "Stay here, my darlings. I will be right back."

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