Chapter 4

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The next day, I got dressed quickly as I had to meet Hunter for the answers. I went downstairs and saw my dad was finally awake, what a surprise. He glared at my mom, "It would be so magical if you would just disappear for an hour!" well damn, what got his ass on fire.

"Mom, what happened?", I asked as she scratched her face like a rat gone insane in an asylum. "You dad is divorcing me, He's gonna marry that homewrecker mango juul!". Omg I'm gonna get a step mom wow.

"Congratulations dad, good for you!". My dad smiled at me, "At least someone in this rat hole has a brain". Yes that's right dad, I'm very intelligent, after all I eat all my green veggies uwu.

I left the house and reached the public toilet near my school. I saw Hunter taking a piss near the bush, He's so hands- No! Annabelle Cupcake Wheeler, that guy stole your wig! That's right, he's a nasty mole.

He turns around and awkwardly smiles at me then looks me up and down, "Damn whore, do you enjoy raising my blood pressure- I'm sorry I mean darling". I smiled at his silliness, my silly goofy cutie honey pie.

"Its okay, I have a degrading kink"

"Oh", he smirked.

"Yeah", I winked.

"Let's go get some food and talk, I've been meaning to tell you something", He pointed towards a british restaurant, I knew it was british because the building looked tasteless just like their food. so cute.

We entered and sat at a table, almost immediately a waiter strided towards us, "Hello, I am Sir Gerald III of Brownlandia, I will be your waiter for today, what would you like to order?" A handsome rich guy.

I smiled up at him while he was busy fixing his hair in the reflection of my bald head. At least its coming to some use, "For starters, I would like to have tomato soup and chicken boobs with fries". He stared at me uneasily.

"Uh ma'am, it's breast-".

"Same thing", I dismissed him but he stood his ground like a real warrior. "No ma'am, you're insulting the chicken". I rolled my eyes and grabbed my boobs. "What is this?", I asked.

"Uh cardboard?", I rolled my eyes. "Whatever just bring me what I ordered". He turned towards Hunter, "And what would you like to have sir?". Hunter starred at him with emptiness in his eyes.

"Happiness". The waiter took a deep breath then snapped his fingers and pointed at the exit, "Either order real food or take your emo ass outta here before I stick my size 12 foot in your ass". Hunter held up his hands defensively.

"Chill dude, I was just kidding, bring me a cheese burger god damn". The waiter nodded in approval, "I will be right back with your food".

Hunter turned towards me, "So where should I start from?". Uh the beginning? bitch just tell me why you stole my wig. "I don't know just tell me I guess lol". He nodded.

"Pain is the only joy I've felt in a long time-", I held up my hand to stop him, he stopped. "Save it for someone who gives a fuck now tell me why you stole my wig!". The whole restaurant was quite for a minute. Hunter looked irritated.

"Can you at least pretend to show a bit of humanity? Girl we are talking about my mental health here, Jesus what is it with everyone today?!", He yelled.

I rolled my eyes again, "Shut the fuck up you god damn ugly ass cows eaten hay in its poop, did you care what would happen to me when you stole my wig? huh? did you know how much I cried and threw up? NO! So why should I care about your pity party?", Shit turned funny from emotional real quick damn.

Hunter sighed, "Just hear me out okay? I'm a- I'm-", He looked away embarrassed, oh gosh not the D grade acting. He really thinks he's gonna get me in feels, bitch I didn't even bat a crusty eyelash when my hamster died from suffocation after my dad farted on it.

"Just tell me hunter, I'm not gonna judge", Liar, I'm gonna judge harder than a karen. He took a deep breath, "I'm actually a part time stripper, one of my customers demanded me to wear a wig but I didn't have any money so I stole yours, forgive me".

I stared at him for a moment, think Annabelle think, you have 2 options. Either humiliate him or get a free strip show with him in a firefighter costume and get a chance to see that ding dong. Both options are a win-win but I can only choose one.

I bit my lip, "I will forgive you only if you give me a free strip show in a firefighter costume". He shook his head aggressively. "Annabelle, I couldn't possibly do such thing".

"Why not? please for me? please", I gave him puppy doe eyes. "Uh okay, just stop doing that witchcraft with your eyes", he finally gave in. YASS SLAY PURR QUEEN I WON AT LIFE.

"Okay what about our food, its been 6 minutes 24 seconds exactly, how dare he take so much time?!", Hunter aggressively banged the table....with his hands, its not what you think whores.

We went inside the kitchen. The chef was standing upside down on the ceiling and Sir Gerald III of Brownlandia was requesting him to get down. "What seems to be the matter, Sir Gerald III of Brownlandia, why is he on the ceiling and where is our food", I asked politely in my british manners, I don't know where they came from considering I always speak shit whenever I open my mouth.

"I'm sorry for the delay madam but our chef kiki do u luv me is channeling his inner Gordon Ramsay but Gordan is busy finding the lamb sauce". He apologized politely in his British manners.

Hunter and I nodded, "Understandable, have a good day sir Gerald III of Brownlandia". Then we left the restaurant.

"So about the stripping thing-", I asked. He stopped me, "I know, meet me near the shady alley filled with thiefs so you can get robbed in the next chapter and I will come save you then i will strip for you". I nodded in agreement.

"So care to tell me how you got bald?". He flinched as if I slapped him. "My ex used to beat me then shaved my head" Oh, where is she now? I wanna personally thank her. "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that, wanna go into details? I can help maybe".

He narrowed his eyes at me, "No everything isn't always about you Annabelle".

"It is, its literally my pov".


He turned around and jumped in the trash can, scaring the rats away, aww why would they get scared, he's one of them, just a little big in size, that's all.

Whatever, I'm going home, maybe I can help my soon to be step mom mango juul pick out her wedding dress? Gosh I'm so hardworking, I deserve a rich husband. Why am I wasting my time on that horses toe nail hunter? ugh.

hope y'all enjoyed, peace out 😋

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