09. trapped

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"What are you doing here?" Nina asked carefully.

Richard didn't know what to say. He came here so brave because he didn't even think about what he was going to tell her, but now that she was standing in front of him he began to feel nervous. 

"Um, I just came to see Big Red." he lied. 

"Oh," the girl sighed. "well, he's not here anymore, we're closed." she told him, looking everywhere but his eyes. 

"Why are you already closed?" 

"Because of you, actually." she showed him a fake smile. "Ever since people found out you were here, a million people come here every day in case you come."

"And that's bad?" the boy didn't understand. "I thought you guys wanted more customers." 

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, but every day there are also a lot of paparazzi who just stand outside and wait for you to show up." she explained to him. "And customers are not very comfortable when they have no privacy when eating and strangers with cameras are looking at them through the window." 

"Well, to be fair, your friend posted on social media that I was here so I don't understand why you're mad at me."

"You are the one who took the picture with him." 

"You're kidding, right?" he let out a grin. "And what was I supposed to do? Turn down a fan? I can not do that."

"You can do anything if you want." the brunette shook her head. 

Ricky, thought for a moment, then started laughing. 

"I'm glad you find this situation funny." she told him sarcastically. "But not everyone is a millionaire and my family and I need this restaurant to have customers who like to eat here because otherwise we won't have money." 

"No, what is funny to me is that we argue like little kids." he told her with a smile. "It's like before we were best friends."

"Well, that's a long time ago.." the brunette looked at the ground. 

"And why did it end?" 

The girl looked at him in shock. "You're seriously asking me that? You left and started living your new perfect life-" 

"I know, but you wanted me to go." Ricky interrupted her. "You were happy that I got a chance to do what I love. I told you I wouldn't go if you didn't want to but you-" 

"Told you to go, I know." the girl nodded. "Look, I'm really not in the mood to talk about this now.. or ever. So just forget about it, okay?"


"No Richard! We're closed so you have to leave." she said, then turned and continued cleaning, hoping the singer would leave her alone.

The boy wanted to leave, he was already walking to the door, but when he opened it he realized he couldn't. 

"Um, I have a problem."

"What?" she rolled her eyes. 

"Outside there are paparazzi with cameras looking through that big windows and if I leave the kitchen they will see me." he replied nervously. "And? So they'll take a picture of us?"

"No you don't understand." he shook his head. "I promised my manager that I would stay at home and if more photos of me appeared online and especially if it is with a girl" he pointed at her. "he will kill me." 

"Well, you should keep your promises then."

"What are we going to do?" the curly boy looked at her nervously. 

"Who said there was a we in this?" she raised an eyebrow. 

"Please, he'll make me go back to california and I want to stay here." 

She sighed. "And what do you want me to do?" 

"Well, I have to stay here until they will leave." 

"No way! I have to go home, I have to study for tomorrow.  Some of us go to school and have responsibilities." 

"So leave me here alone." he suggested 

"No, I have to lock the door." she replied. "You know, this sounds like your problem, so I don't really care-"

"What happened to you?!" he shouted. "You used to be this super nice person who has always helped everyone and now I am asking you for help and you're just rolling your eyes at me. I understand that people change but not this much. This is not you."

"You do not know me!" she shook her head quickly.

"But I did." 

"Yeah did, past tense! Now I'm someone completely different than when we were little."

"Oh trust me, I noticed that."

"For someone who is asking me for help you have some attitude." she said to him.

"And you want them to take pictures of us leaving?" the boy asked. 

"Oh no, trust me I don't need them to say about me online that I'm one of Richard's girls."

He rolled his eyes because he knew exactly what she was talking about but didn't want to say anything on that subject. "Help me then."

Nina didn't know what to do. She didn't want to be photographed but she didn't want to stay here with him any more. "One hour." 


"One hour." she repeated once more. "I'll stay here for an hour. If they don't leave by then we'll go."

"Thank you." he nodded with a small smile.

"Well, you are not welcome." she muttered.

The boy was upset, he didn't know why she suddenly hated him but he wanted to know. "Okay, I really don't understand why you're mad at me." 

"I'm not mad." she shrugged. 

"Yeah right..." he let out a small laugh. "When I left I was your favorite person in the world and now you refuse to even look at me." 

"And I have a reason for that." 

"And what is that reason?!" he asked her loudly. "No seriously! I have no idea why you hate me, so can you at least give me a hint?!" 

She took a deep breath and said in a calmer voice. "I do not want to talk about it." 

"I really don't understand you." he shook his head. 

"You don't have to understand me!" she shouted at him. "We can just sit here in silence because I don't want to talk to you." 

"I don't want to talk to you either!" he replied, knowing that's not true.

"Good." a fake smile appeared on her face. 

"Good." Richard repeated. 


"Amazing. Now let's get out of here!"

"Oh, that's a great idea!" she nodded sarcastically. "And how exactly?" 

"Right..." he realized. "Let's wait until the paparazzi leave."
Hey guys! Please vote or comment bc that's why I love writing!!

& also my new book Mystery is out so go read!!


𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 [rini au]Where stories live. Discover now