Chapter 16: A New Ally and The Trap

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After school,  Aria, Owen, Gloria, Corrin, Gorino and I left the school and went to the Eifel Tower to meet up with The Brotherhood. Wearing our superhero attires, we perched on the roof of a building, waiting for them to arrive. Luka is the only person who didn't show up, much to our surprise and Aria's disappointment.

"Maybe it was a good idea for those two to break up." Aria grumbled.

"I don't know. Something's not right with Luka. Like he's been brainwashed or something." I said, twirling my escrima.

"Doesn't seem like it. He looked normal to me." Corrin said.

"Tom's right. I don't know about you guys, but I got a feeling we might be walking into a trap." Owen added nervously.

"Trap or not, Roxy needs us." Aria said.

Two hours have passed and we have not seen The Brotherhood flunkies yet until we saw a girl dressed in an all black jumpsuit, matching boots and a half mask. Strapped on her thigh was a holster, holding a taser. Before we could get onto our stances, the girl held up her hand and pulled off her half mask.

"Jessica?" Aria gasped.

"Hey. I overheard what happened to Roxy. And I want to help." She said.

"No way. We don't want to be responsible for what happens to you." I said.

"I've been taking Mui-Thai classes. I can hold my own in a fight." She said confidently.

"She's not wrong. She can throw a mean right hook." Aria said.

"Not helping." I said, before turning to Jessica. "Still no." 

Jessica shook her head.

"Roxy's my best friend. And I'm not standing by and letting her get taken away by The Brotherhood. I'm going, With or without your consent." She said with a ferocious look of determination on her face.

We exchanged looks and sighed.

"Fine. You can come. But any sign of danger, you get the hell out of here." I said.

Jessica nodded. 

Eventually, a portal opened and a man in a horse jumpsuit appeared in front of us. Next to him was Black Hound and Black Panther.

"Where's Roxanne?" Aria demanded.

"Follow us." Dylan said.

We followed them into the portal , arriving at a warehouse.  We looked around and saw an empty space surrounding us. Eventually, Gabriele appeared in front of us, bearing Hawkmoth's attire. Lila appeared at his side in her Madame Peacock attire.

"Hello again, brother." She said venomously.

I scoffed in response.

"Well, where is my sister!?" Aria repeated.

Gabriele chuckled and snapped his fingers. A wave of gunmen surrounded us, pointing their guns at us. Minitourox, Polymouse Lady Dark and King Monkey were leaning on the railing, watching us.

"Merda." I groaned.

"Indeed. You shouldn't have come." A voice said. We looked up and saw Luka standing among them.

"LUKA!" We gasped.

"Not quite." He said and his body shifted into a silhouette.

"What the hell are you?" Jessica gasped.

"The name is Shapeshifter. An senti-akuma that can transform into anything and anyone it choses. Including The French Miraculous Superhero Team." Lila said.

"Oh we really kicked the hornet's nest, guys." Aria said.

"And now, it will sting the hell out of you. Finirli (Finish them)." Gabriele said.

As soon as his henchmen fired their weapons, Owen summoned a forcefield to block the bullets. We crouched down and huddled together as the bullets struck the forcefield.

"Ok, guys. I think it's safe to say we are in neck deep in trouble." Aria said.

"You don't say." I replied sarcastically.

"That Shapeshifter guy, girl, whatever gender it has, really screwed you guys over." Jessica said.

"We can still turn the tables around." Gorino said.

"How? We got guards left right and centre and now way out of this." Gloria said.

Suddenly, a claw shattered out forcefield. Black Panther loomed over us with a smirk. His henchmen darted towards us.

"Guess we gotta fight our way through." I said and pulled out my escrimas.

Just as we were about to fight, a stream of black and yellow blitzed around us, stunning the henchmen. We looked up and saw Queen Bee, Purple Tigress and Pigella above us.

"When did you guys show up?" I shouted.

"We followed you through the portal but ended up a few miles away from the warehouse." Juleka said as she threw her bolas at a henchman, binding him.

"Well, you can thank moi for taking the initiative for convincing the others to follow you and save you from them." Chloe said proudly.

"Yeah. Ok." I said, unimpressed.

"Get them!" Lila shrieked as the henchmen recovered and charged right towards us.

"Shall we?" Chloe asked, twirling her spinning top.

We exchanged looks and shrugged.

"Why the hell not?" Owen said.   

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