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Hi everyone, I just wanted to quickly thank everyone who's reading my story. I didn't think a lot of people would read 'All For Hell Week' but now it's got 2K reads which are crazy so... thank you x

I also wanted to ask if I should recreate the pages from Y/n's notebook for each of the investigations?

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After a long trek back down through the whole castle, we went back to the room where we left our stuff. I found out that Alex was leaving, and my group was going to be the only ones in the castle. We said goodbye to Alex then grabbed all our stuff from the room, I put my notebook back in my bag, and headed to the castle's courtyard. Everything looked so ominous in the dark, and it felt like spirits were ready to start reaching out.

As we were walking into the courtyard, Sam pulled out the camera and started filming again. "Guys, so Alex he's left so we have this entire Dracula's castle to ourselves" Sam explained to the camera.

He turned it around to face Colby as he started speaking, "I was honestly expecting it to be like way more hidden. One road up to it but we're like in the middle of a city and there was like a party that was going down like down the street"

"Yeah, we like couldn't film because there was like base thumping in this room. So imagine being in like a 1000-year-old castle going..." Nate then started to imitate bass music.

"We're here just having a rave to bass music in Dracula's castle" I joked along.

"What's freaky is like every inch of this place makes a sound," Nate said.

"Yeah, Alex did say everything makes a sound" I added.

"Remember when he said that he doesn't even work in the building but he's like an office sort of a guy," Colby asked referring to what Alex had told us earlier.

"Yeah," we all hummed in remembrance.

"Why would he have the fangs if he was just like the office guy?" Colby asked us all.

"Oh my god," I said in disbelief at the fact he was still going on about it while I put my hands over my face.

"...I think those are his actual teeth" Sam explained.

"No way!" Colby exclaimed, "Have you seen them though?"

"Yes, but they look like his actual teeth," Sam said.

"Those are some pronounced canines teeth bro" Nate pointed out.

"Those are fangs for sure," Colby said.

"You think he got those like actually implanted?" Sam asked.

"He works at a vampire castle like he just loves vampires or something," Colby said before turning to me, "Opinions Y/n?"

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