xxi. the multiverse

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the multiverse

"IVE MET another Peter Parker."

"Lani. This guys from the multiverse you couldn't have known him or another Peter Parker unless" MJ started

"There's been more than one Kalani Evermore beforehand" Kalani finished.

She turned to the villain "are you saying I've existed in another verse"

A man smirked "You mean. Having a boyfriend named Peter Parker who is also Spider-Man."

"Damn. You really have a type"

Peter stepped forward "are you saying we've both been reborn multiple times"

The man shook his head "not you. Peter Parker as a person yes, but not you. However Kalani has, I don't know how many times, but it would be roughly based on how many Spider-Man's there are"

"I'm sorry. What is your name again" Peter asked

"doctor otto octavius"

"Sounds like a virus" Kalani laughed.

"No seriously, what's your actual name?"

Ned cut them off "is that a dinosaur?"

The group turned to see a green lizard like thing sitting in another cage "now that's creepy"


Peter was trying to clean his suit while Ned was trying to find where exactly these villains could be.

"I got one" he called out to the group, Kalani walked over with a screwdriver.

"I mean, you can take the guy out of the chair, but you can't take the chair out of the guy"

MJ and Kalani shared a brief look with eyes that only said 'what the fuck'

"What did you find?" Peter asked ignoring his comment.

"Uh, a disturbance near a military research facility outside of the city and witnesses say that they saw a monster flying through the air"

"It's gotta be the guy I saw on the bridge right?" Peter questioned

"It cant"

The four turned to the voice, Peter slowly walking towards him "you know him. Don't you? You said his name on the bridge"

"Norman Osborn" he mumbled "brilliant scientist, military research. But he was greedy, misguided.."

"What happened to him?"

The villain snapped "I am tired of your question boy"

"Calm down Octopus arms" Kalani yelled "just tell us what we need to know"

"this is exactly why you died Miss Evermore" he grumbled

"Uh, anyway, I've got to go" Peter stuttered

"It can't be him" Dr. Otto stated.


"Because Norman Osborn died years ago, so either we saw someone else, or you're flying out into the darkness to fight a ghost"

lilah speaks.

I'm so tired Rn

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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