CHAPTER 4 - Memories

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Woody lied down to rest. He didn't know what to do. Teardrop wasn't there, and Georgie was asleep. He definitely couldn't escape his cell, there would be guards everywhere. There wouldn't be any way to get out anyways. The door was locked. But he also couldn't sleep. After a bit though, he got so bored he just dozed off.

Blocky, Woody, and Taco all ran through the halls of the ship. They were playing a game of hide and seek with the rest of the First Squadron. The three of them did everything together, which is why they decided to hide together. They found a secluded closet in the cafeteria, which wasn't locked for some reason. They got in and hid. They knew Flower would be coming to find them soon, so they stayed put. "We are so gonna win this game," Taco whispered. Blocky put his finger up to his mouth: none of them wanted to get found. Suddenly, the closet door opened with a flash of bright light. "A-HA!" Flower exclaimed. "I got you!" They exited the closet, faking despair. "Pretty good hiding place, though," Flower remarked. "In fact, the only other person I have yet to find is Loser." Blocky stifled a laugh. "Looks like Loser's a winner today!" They all broke into laughter. All four of them walked down the hallway, getting prepared to find Loser.

Woody woke up. His cell lights were on, but Georgie was still asleep. Groggily, he rubbed his eyes. He couldn't see a food tray anywhere, so Teardrop must not have come yet. Woody stood up to stretch his legs, and the door opened. Teardrop walked in with two trays of food. She set one down in front of him and sat down. Woody looked down at his food. Pancakes and sausage for breakfast, complete with milk, butter, and blueberry syrup. "Thank you," he told her. She nodded. You're welcome. Woody grabbed his fork and started eating.

As they were eating, Teardrop signed to him, the captain considered letting you eat in the cafeteria with the rest of the crew as long as you stick near me. Of course, you can make the decision, but I felt like you should know so you can decide. "Thanks," Woody replied. "I'd like that. After all, it's been a day and a half since I've had interaction with anyone except for you and Georgie." Fair, Teardrop signed. I'll let the captain know after breakfast.


This time skip was brought to you by Blocky's Funny Doings International.


After breakfast was done, Teardrop grabbed the trays and left. Woody walked around the room, Georgie following him. He lied down and relaxed for a while, wondering what was going to happen in the rest of the day.

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