Golden Boy Is Mad

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When I got home, to say the mother was shocked was an understatement. She was virtually convinced that Marinette was a witch and she cast a spell on me or she had replaced me with an impaired clone. Crazy, I know. But who could blame her?

I had come into the house grinning like a fucking maniac, replaying the moment that Marinette KISSED ME in my head. It was on my cheek but who gives a fuck?

She kissed me!

I picked up my phone to check the message that she sent to me and my heart did a small backflip.

Princess💖💝: Goodnight Fefi 💛💛

Yes, I know all she sent was a good night and two hearts but it was a start. I quickly replied before changing into my pyjamas and dozing off.

Fefi 😻💜: Good night Princess💓

The next morning

"Felix, you have to wake up or you'll be late for school!" Mother's muffled voice said from the other side of my door. I groaned, throwing the covers off me, and went to get ready for school. I had no idea what to wear so I just went with my formal look. I was still smiling stupidly when I remembered the kiss when I realised the house was empty, more than usual.

"Mother!" I called out but no response. As I reached the kitchen, I saw a note on the kitchen island and disappointment flowed through me. As suspected, the note was from my mother, saying how she was on a business trip and won't be back till Sunday and that she hired asked her assistant Vinnie to look after me. It was already Friday but It felt like she wouldn't be back for weeks.

Sighing, I tore the note into pieces and trashed it. Breakfast suddenly seemed like something utterly repulsive despite its wonderful aroma.

"Felix, aren't you going to eat something?" Vinnie asked immediately she entered the kitchen. "I'm not hungry." I shrugged and headed to the front door. "Felix!" I heard her call after me but I just ignored her and jumped in the back seat of the car. "Drive!" I mumbled to the driver who nodded in understanding.

Time skip


I dropped dead the moment I sat down in class. After my date with Felix last night with no Akuma attacks I just HAD to jinx it yesterday. The battle eventually ended around three in the morning. Stupid Hawkmoth! Doesn't the prick ever sleep!?

I slowly succumb to the darkness and doze off. I heard a faint tapping sound on my table but I was too far gone to pay it any attention. Soon the sound stopped and I could finally sleep peacefully.

Unfortunately for me, despite having the goddess of luck with me, bad luck just seems to follow me everywhere I go. As I was busy enjoying the peace, someone thought it would be okay to scream in my ear, making me fall out of my seat.

I raised my head and was prepared to start unleashing a string of colourful words on the person when I was enchanted by a pair of blue-grey eyes.

Felix just stared there trying to hold in his laughter as he helped me up. "Felix, whyyyyy?!" I whined when I was on my two feet. "Well, I just couldn't resist. Besides, why are you so sleepy anyway?" He asked sitting down.


"I uh, I was working on some commissions and I just lost track of time. Now can you let me sleep in peace?" She mumbled slightly annoyed.

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