11: the doctors visit

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Sams POV

I watched as she sat on a chair, but it was able to go backwards. He pushed a button to make the chair go down.

He lifted up her shirt a bit to reveal her stomach. Then he rubbed this stuff on her, I didn't know what it was.

"Alright, we are going to do an a ultrasound. Do you have any idea how long it's been?" He asked.

"Four days, I don't know if you'll be able to tell," I answered.

"We'll be able to tell, don't worry," he said.

He put this, I don't know, thing on her stomach and rubbed around.

Your POV

He started the ultrasound.

He looked at your stomach a few times and back. He kept on looking, you were getting nervous.

"Found it!" He said enthusiastically.

You looked at Sam to see his reaction, but he was really happy.

"So I'm pregnant?" You double checked.

"Yep!" He said.

"That's exciting," Sam said.

"Your that famous kid? My kid watches you," the doctor said.

Sam gave out a fake laugh, "Oh wow...cool!"

"He'll be excited to find out your going to be a father!" The doctor said.

"Okay, is there anything else we should know?" Sam asked.

"No alcohol, smoking, etc. Try and eat heathy food and yeah," he announced. "Also stay away from smoke, don't breathe it in."

"Okay, thank you!" You said, smiling. He wiped off the stuff on your stomach and pushed the button to make your chair go up.

"Okay, I want you to come back in 4 weeks for another checkup. Four weeks is...May 4," he said.

7 minutes later.

You and Sam got back into the car.

"Well...we need name for a boy or girl," Sam said.

"Hm...," you started to think. "What about...Rain?"

"How would you spell it?" He asked. "Like the horse reins or rain like weather?"

"Probably Rain with an A," you said.

"I like that," he said. "Hm, Jason for a boy?"

"Jason?!" You laughed. "I like it."

"What are you laughing for?!" He joked.

"Nothing! I like it."

5 minutes before you get home.

"Let's tell them I'm not pregnant! It will be funny," you said.

"Prank them?" He confirmed. "Sure!"

You and Sam arrived home, you both put on your sad faces.

You opened the door sluggishly and acted sad.

"So! What's the news?!" Katrina said excited. Then she read your face. "oh."

"Yeah..." you said sadly.

"That's disappointing..." Colby said.

"I'm gonna head up," Sam said sad.

"I'm coming behind you," you said.

You both went up the stairs and entered the room. You both started laughing as hard as you could.

"That was funny!" You laughed. "They barely even said anything."

"Okay, let's go tell them," Sam announced. You both walked back downstairs, Katrina was really upset.

"Okay it was a prank, I'm pregnant," you broke.

Katrina jumped out of her seat in happiness.

"Yay!" She yelled. You were very happy to see Katrina happy.

Colby on the other hand didn't look happy.


"Uh, yay?" He spoke.

"You okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah...just thinking about a baby screaming in the middle of the night," he answered.


2 weeks later

Your bump hasn't gotten any bigger, but you weren't surprised.

You were sitting on the couch you sleep on thinking.

What's Sam gonna tell his fans?

Is it gonna hurt? Yeah...most likely.

C-section would be nice, but probably shouldn't.

I wanna know the fans reaction to this.

Would they be upset?

Yeah, let's tell Sam to tell his fans, I mean, we are going to a haunted house this weekend. That would be the best place to do it. Well, not really.

Sam came into the room.

"Do you know how to knock?" Katrina hissed.

"Sorry, y/n...can I borrow you?" He asked.


He pulled you into his room.

"Are you sure you wanna come?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you said.

"Okay." He nodded.

You both looked into each others eyes and went into a deep kiss. I felt amazing. Sam pushed you onto the bed and he pulled away to take a breath.

"Sam..." you let out. "Not now."

"Okay," he crawled off of you. "I'm sorry."

"I'm pregnant and I don't know if I can." You felt embarrassed. "But I still can kiss you."

You both went in for another kiss. It was long lasting. It felt nice, his lips were soft.

You both pulled out at the same time.

"I love you, Sam," you said.

"I love you too."

One day later

It was time to leave for the haunted house for the Sam and Colby video. We were going to the Stanley hotel. It was Sam and Colby's 2nd time but it was your first.

(Just act like they didn't just post the Stanley hotel video. Also I can't wait for season 2😆)

You felt very excited for the Stanley hotel. You got to speak to spirits and you honestly enjoyed that.

You grabbed were grabbing last minute things and putting it in your suitcase.

Back to ghost hunting.

You started to think of John.

Is John doing okay?

What about that spirit, it wasn't friendly?

You finished up your suitcase and headed downstairs. You saw Sam and Colby by the door. Katrina had plans with other friends so she was not coming with you.

Your phone buzzed and you got a notification.

"Who's that?" Colby asked.

"I'll answer it in a second, let's get in the car first," you said. You carried your suitcase out to the car. Colby and Sam got in the front and you sat in the back.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket and opened it. You pressed on the messages app.

You saw a name that you thought you would never see again.

Oh fuck...

I'm sorry I'm late but here is the chapter!

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