Chapter 46

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Chapter 46- Search For Power!!... Or Love?

You sat in class as Aizawa and Midnight, Cementos, and Ectoplasm were standing near and talking about creating hero moves and pro hero license

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You sat in class as Aizawa and Midnight, Cementos, and Ectoplasm were standing near and talking about creating hero moves and pro hero license.
"Two ultimate moves, and we mean a tactic that will ensure you win against your opponent," Ectoplasm explained.

"An action so unique to your identity, that no other person can hope to copy it. Lean into your strengths," Cementoss added in.

"Your moves represent who you are. These days, most pro heroes have an ultimate move. Those who don't are fools," Midnight finished.

"The job of a hero is to save people from all sorts of dangers. Crime, accidents, and natural or man-made disasters. Of course, the licensing exam analyzes how you're able to deal with such things. It won't just be fighting," Aizawa tiredly said.

"Your ability to gather information and make quick decisions will be judged. In addition to how well you communicate, cooperate, and lead others." He continued.

"Now that you're caught up- you'll be working hard to develop powerful moves of your own for the next ten days or so. This is how you will spend the remainder of your summer vacation." With a tired nod, Aizawa finished.
"Yes sir!" The class yelled out.

"Now go out your costumes on and go to gym Gama,"


'A unique move, huh?' You pondered, watching the class practice on their ultimate moves.
"We have seen a powerful attack during your exam, landing a destructive and effective thunder bolt," Ectoplasm explained to you.

"An attack I learned from my Da, now I need to figure one more," You replied to him.
"Think about your abilities, use one that cannot be expected. Let's try that saliva of yours," You tilted your head at his statement.

"It's true that it has healing properties, but in order to create any plasma blasts, your saliva must be flammable as well," He explained.
"That's true," You nodded.

"Well, let's use that as your ultimate move," You obeyed and started to suck the saliva in your mouth.
"It feels gross," You shivered.
"It may be gross, but think about it like holding in plasma to make your blasts stronger," Ectoplasm reassured you.

'I see now, think of Uncle Barf and Belch, them using gas and sparks to cause explosion,' You realized, and spat the giant glob of saliva onto a boulder. And with a spark from your teeth, you began to ignite.


You covered your eyes and watched in awe at the giant mess the explosion caused.
"Cool!!" You beamed, tag wagging. Izuku looked up at the commotion, and saw you get excited at your moves, making him smile.

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