Luis Mendoza ~ Notice Me

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"Luis? Are you even listening?" I ask waving my hand in his face. "Huh what? Yeah of course I am." He breaks out of his trance to look at me. I roll my eyes. "Sure you were."

Clearly he was too busy staring at Mindy. I'm not sure what's even going on with them, I mean they kissed when we won against varsity but I don't think they're actually together. Or maybe he's just keeping it from me.

Me and Luis are really good friends, he's probably who I'm closest to on the team, apart from the girls of course.

I also have a huge crush on him but he's never noticed me like that. Im just one of the guys to him, sadly I think that's all we'll ever be.

"So what's the story with you two? Are you a couple?" I bite the bullet and ask him.

"What? No, I'm just keeping it casual. I'm not sure she's the right girl for me if I'm honest."

This piques my interest "Oh? And who's the right girl for you?" I ask, hoping maybe he declares his love for me.

Even though I know that will never happen I still hold out hope. "Ah you wouldn't know her." Is all he gives me. It's not me, What a shocker.


I'm currently lying on my bed feeling sorry for myself. All this crush is doing is hurting me, I need to move on.

I try to convince myself I'm not into Luis like that, he's just a really good friend and super hot. I appreciate his friendship and his great looks which is confusing me into thinking I have crush that's all.

Who am I kidding? I'm in love with the asshole and he'll never notice. I need to try move on, find myself a nice guy.

My phone starts to ring interrupting me from my thoughts "Hello?" I answer. "Hey Y/n I'm bored wanna hang out?" Shit it's Luis.

I really should say no, hanging out in close proximity won't help me get over my feelings, but who am I kidding of course I won't say no.

"Uh sure want to come to mine? Moms in work so I'm alone." Oh my god why did I say that?? It sounds like I'm inviting him over for sex, like I'm desperate.. I am but he doesn't need to know.

"Awesome see you soon."

That's just great. I sigh and get up to check myself in the mirror to make sure I looked decent enough.

I'm only wearing joggers and a band tee but he's used to it so I don't bother changing. I brush through my nest of hair and throw it up in a bun.

"Meh that'll do." I say giving myself a nod in the mirror.

A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door, oh god he's here already.

I open the door to his adorable face "Sup' y/n/n". Uhhh I die whenever he calls me by my nickname and his stupid smile. He's driving me insane.

I try to keep my cool. "Hey Luis come on in." He walks in and I close the door.

"Your turn to pick a movie yeah?" I ask him. "Yup and I got a good one." He smirks at me.

A horror. He picked a horror movie. I absolutely hate being scared and unfortunately I scare easy. This ass also knows that, he's definitely done it on purpose.

I'm currently peering at the movie over my blanket terrified of what will eventually jump out. Luis just has the nerve to laugh at me.

"You're such a dick, you know I hate these." He chuckles again. "Yeah but it's so good. Besides I'm here to protect you."

My heart flutters at that statement, even though I know he only means it in a friend way. More like a brother rather than a protective boyfriend.

I can't help think what if though, what if he actually does like me? It's crazy but it's all I wish for.

He puts his arm around me just furthering my hope that he feels the same.

I feel safe in his arms, I love being in his arms. I cherish any time I have in them, even if it's platonic.

"What are you thinking about?" Luis breaks me from my thoughts. Now would be the perfect time to tell him how I felt but I'm too chicken for that. "Oh nothing, just trying to watch this wretched film."

He laughs his adorable laugh at my response. "Fair enough." There's a silence for a minute and it seems like Luis is contemplating something.

"Want a distraction from the movie?" He finally asks. He's smirking but he also looks slightly nervous. What is he up to?

"Like what?" I question. A pair of lips plant themselves on mine. Holy shit they're Luis' lips, he's freaking kissing me.

He pulls back after a few glorious seconds. He smiles at me and I'm sure I'm looking back at him dumbfounded.

I couldn't even muster a sentence. The dude I'm literally in love with just kissed me.

He takes me reaction as a bad sign. "Oh god I'm really sorry y/n, I don't know what came over me. I know you don't feel that way about me, I shouldn't ha-" "Of course I feel that way about you, you've just never noticed, you're just too busy flirting with all the cheerleaders." I blurt out. Oh my god did I actually just say that.

This is so embarrassing. "I'm sorry for never noticing I just assumed you'd never like me more than a friend, you are way too good for me y/n. You're the most stunning and funny girl I have ever came across. I never thought I'd be lucky enough to have you as my girl. I only flirted with girls to try and distract myself from my feelings for you." He admits.

I feel like I'm going to melt, no way this is real. "I love you so much y/n."

No freaking way. I feel a tear slip out, I'm not one for being emotional, but the overwhelming love I feel for him is making me be.

"Luis, I love you too, I have for so long. I always thought that you were too good for me, that you'd never see me as anything other than a friend."

His smile was so big, I'm sure mine was too. "Well that's good I guess." He says wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggle and pull him in for another kiss. It was passionate and so full of love.

He pulls back. "So does this mean you'll be my girl?"

"Of course I will." And with that we're back to kissing once again.

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