Chapter 62: Prelude to all out war

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Kiyotaka POV

It's been over 2 weeks since my loss against Akashi Tsukasa, and it's already October 19th.

Ah, right. Tomorrow I'll turn 17. How could I forget that.

But still...the special exam Akashi mentioned. There's literally no announcement about it.

Is he bluffing? no. He's not someone like that.

But at any rate, i still have to be wary.

I then looked at the chess application on my computer that I've been playing.

As expected, the grandmaster level is nothing compared to Akashi Tsukasa. This bot is getting dull.

But then, what am I supposed to do?

I'm no shonen protagonist. I won't get better with just my friends cheering me. I have to make it through myself.

And also. Miyuki sure took quite a long time finding Tatsuya. I wonder if she's okay.

It'll be troublesome if she's dead.

I checked the time on my phone and it shows it's already 23:41.

I sure play for a long time, huh....I'm going to turn 17 on the next 19 minutes.

Oh well, I guess I'll sleep.

Timeskip, 23:59.

I take back my statement. I can't sleep at all...

Oh well. It seems I'm awake for my 17th birthday.

When the clock hits 00:00, a message pops up.

Annoying blonde: [Happy birthday.]

She's awake? I'm amazed.

I then sent her a message.

Kiyo: [you're not asleep yet?]

Annoying blonde: [Eh, no. Why do you ask?]

Kiyo: [I find it impressive that you're still awake at this time.]

Annoying blonde: [Is that so? I thought you're the one who's crazy. I know you've been practicing since that day, right?]

Kiyo: [That's nothing but baseless assumption.]

Annoying blonde: [Whatever you say, mister. Anyways, since today is your birthday, how about we hang out? keyaki mall is not force closed after all. Atleast we have some decent amusement for today.]

Kiyo: [You're probably just trying to get free food.]

Annoying blonde: [Why do you have to ruin the mood....]

Kiyo: [Well, I'll come. I need a breath of fresh air. But pay for yourself, got it?]

Annoying blonde: [Yeah yeah sure, stingy bastard.]

Kiyo: [What? you expect me to pay for you? you're not even my girlfriend.]

Annoying blonde: [Sheesh, chill out, mister.]

Kiyo: [I'm going to sleep.]

Annoying blonde: [Allright, fine.]

Kiyo: [Cya.]

I then exit the chat. But before I plugged in my charger, another message pops up.

It was Kei...

Kei: [Happy birthday, Kiyotaka. I don't have any wish but if I were to pick one....I hope you'll fine your hapiness soon.]

Find my hapiness soon, huh....

I certainly hope so too. Because that's your wish after all.

Kiyo: [Thanks. And I'll do my best.]

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