When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going

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I'm in handcuffs and so are Crinae, Hyla and Chuck. Rassel, holding a long brown whip, orders us out of the station. I open the door and hit the open air. The heat has intensified since this morning and the light and dirt in the air punches me in the face. I stop to clear my head and then THAWACK!

Rassel's whip bites into the skin of my upper arm and it burns like an ember caught between my skin and bones. I can't stay silent and a squeak escapes from between my teeth.

"Move," shouts Rassel and he points to the road ahead of me. There are a couple of Motos in front of me who stop and turn to see what's happening. They seem to like what they're seeing and clap as we pass by.

Crinae is wailing, sobbing so hard she can't walk straight. I place her in between me and Hyla and hope she escapes the whip. Hyla is no better than my sister, she's also in hysterics. Her breathing is rough and ragged and she catches the hiccoughs. Chuck, well Chuck is Chuck. His face is empty of expression. I've seen him this way while we were marching to Calgary. I've seen him this way while eating lunch. He's always this way.

I'd like to be like Chuck and not give the Motos any kind of emotion. The right side of my mouth is betraying me though. It's turning down into a frown that usually means I'm going to cry.

We pass more Motos and some shout names at us. We're called terra-rists and traitors and other bad names. Some Habitants doing yard work stop their raking and sweeping and watch us, too. They're stone-faced and won't look us in the eye.

I see the camp's big steel gates up ahead. Glinting in the sun. Only a few more steps and we'll be free. We'll be out of this place for good. Only a few more steps and...

A large man steps in front of us. Between us and the gate.

It's GJ.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asks Rassel. The fat man's eyes seem to be popping out of his forehead. "You're not following protocol. It's shift change."

Rassel holds up his hand as if it'll calm the man down.

"Superintendent of the Lower Constable," says Rassel addressing GJ. "You are not following protocol. Do not speak to your superior officer in that manner."

"Really, Rassel?" says GJ with a chuckle that makes his belly jiggle.

"That's Captain to you."

"I know what you're doing," says GJ, walking up to Rassel and putting his lumpy chest up against the captain. Rassel straightens up and with his hands, pushes GJ off to the side.

"Back. Down," Rassel orders.

"Or what?" asks GJ. "I know you're not taking these kids to the Silo."

"Look," says Rassel, not raising his voice. "I'm your superior officer. You have no right to talk to me this way. I'm the one with authority here."

"I know for a fact that you were supposed to take two Terra-rists to the Silo last year," says GJ rubbing his hands together. "They never got there."

"If you don't step away from us now," says Rassel, "I'm going to report you for subordination. Then your perfect and spotless performance record will be toast. Bye-bye to any promotions for the next 10 years."

"You have much more to lose than I," says GJ as spit forms in the corners of his mouth. He leans forward and grabs Chuck, squeezing him into his grimy and fleshy stomach. The little boy lets out a whimper.

That makes Hyla angry and she lunges at GJ, trying to scratch and hit him with her handcuffs.

"I'm going to rip your face off with water," she cries. "Let Chuck go or I'll drown you."

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