my new life 18

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I knew who it was before I turned around. "Babe who were you calling. You don't need to speak to anyone but me." Dan's voice sent chills down my spine.

I could feel the anger building up inside of me about to erupt like a volcano.

"Do not call me babe!" I spat "I can call whoever the hell I want so get lost outta my life before I beat your ass out!" Wow I sounded braver than I was but I couldn't let him see my internal weakness.

"What? You think you can beat me up." he scoffed. Oh that was it! I hate it when people think I can't do something and it is way too fun to prove them wrong.

"Any day of the week." I took a step closer to show that I was not afraid.

He slapped me. I slapped him back. He looked shocked so I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran all the way down the road and I saw a couple getting out of a taxi. I hopped in and told him to drive me to the airport. I had to go back to America because I would get away from Dan. Even if he followed me he would get arrested.

My phone rang. It was Scott.

"Hey. Where are you?" He asked.

"In a taxi. My plans have changed. Dan has found me."

"How?" He managed to force out.

" He tracked my phone. I am heading to the airport, ditch the phone and I will fly back to Florida then if he follows me then they can arrest him."

"There is no way that you are going alone. I will meet you at the main entrance."

"No I-"

"No arguments"

"Fine I will book the flights."

"What about the money?"

"I got it"

"No way are you paying for me."

"I am using my dad's guilt money. He deserves it he kicked me out."

"Fine. see you soon."

The line went dead. I dialed the plane company and organised the flights. First class! It was my way at getting back at my sad excuse for parents.

I sat back in my chair and tried to steady my breathing. I just needed to escape. I called my nan and said thanks and an emergancy popped up so I had to leave.

I stood waiting for Scott for about 20 minuets until he arrived. He enveloped me in a big hug. It may sound weird but i felt safe. I felt comfertable. We literally ran through security and made it just in time to board the plane.

I have never flown in first class but it was so amazing! It was so comfey and we got fed alot. I stuffed my face with chocolate watching amazing films in the arms of my boyfriend. It would be perfect if I didn't have the worry of Dan hanging over me.

When we arrived I hailed a cab and told it to go to the mall. I needed a new phone since my last one took a trip out of a 4th story window. I had almost forgotten to get rid of it so while I was running I threw it through an open window.

I bought a really cool phone and had no idea where I would stay.

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