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I look down at my body, it's been a few days since the accident. I wonder if Andrea has been giving me medicine since the first day?

Carl & Reese talk over by the door.

"She's getting worse?" Carl asks.

"I'm not sure how but her burns are worse then they were before..." Reese responds.

"And the baby..."

Reese smiles, laying her hand on Carl's shoulder. Right then Rick walks in with Maggie. Reese walks over to him, letting him pull her into a hug.

"So that's why Andrea wants Reese punished. She wants Rick."

"How is she?" Rick asks.

"My God.." Maggie puts her hand to her mouth. "Brooke.."

"She's..." Reese starts. "The baby is still alive, I found a heartbeat & maybe we should consider a c-section before Brooke.."

"Dies?" Carl asks. "She's dying?"

"I'm not Cowboy!"

Reese hangs her head. "She's just getting worse...I-I don't kn-my God." Reese runs over to the cabinet. "My God!"

"What is it?" Rick asks.

"What's wrong?" Maggie also asks.

"Hibatolt." Reese responds.

"Yes! I like her!"

"What's that?" Carl asks.

"It's medicine for burns, it's absolutely amazing & heals them like super fast UNLESS you're allergic.." Reese explains.

"Are you giving it to her?" Maggie asks.

"No! I didn't want to risk it with the baby." Reese tells her.

"But you're risking it now?" Rick asks.

"No, someone has been giving it to her." Reese says. "That's why her burns are getting worse! She's allergic so it's having the opposite effect."

"Who would do that!?" Carl asks.

"ANDREA!" I scream.

Just then Andrea walks in. "Maggie!" She walks over & hugs her. "How are the other survivors from the Kingdom?"

Maggie shakes her head. "Not many survivors...maybe two will live."

"Cause of her!" I scream, walking towards Carl. "Please, Carl, feel me." I reach for his arm.

Carl rubs where my hand is. My face drops in sadness.

"Rick." I say, grabbing his arm.

He turns to where I am. "Brooke?" Rick says barely above a whisper.

"Andrea, Rick, it's her." I say, writing Andrea with my finger on his arm.

Rick gulps, turning towards Andrea. "She was given Hibolt."

Andrea looks to him. "Is it going to help her?"

Reese steps forward. "I told you what it was."

Andrea scoffs. "What are you saying, Reese?" She folds her arms, smirking.

Reese steps up on face. "You knew it could hurt her & make her worse."

"Andrea, I've known you for a long time...Brooke was close to you..please tell me it isn't true." Rick says.

"It is! She blew up the Kingdom, Rick!" I say, making sure I keep writing an A with my finger on his back.

"Where did you get the explosives from?" Rick asks her.

"What?" Carl asks.

Andrea groans. "Okay, okay so we wanted Negan gone & the Kingdom doesn't want him dead & neither would Brooke."

"You would kill a 16 year old pregnant girl?" Rick asks.

"To get what I want? Yes." She scowls at him.

Rick starts walking slowly towards her, Reese going to grab her arm but Maggie pushes her, giving Andrea time to throw a box of supplies at Rick.

"I don't think so!" I yell, trying to grab her.

Carl pulls out his pistol, shooting Andrea in the shoulder.

"Ah damn!" Andrea shouts, grabbing her shoulder.

"If she dies, I will kill you slowly." Carl growls at her.

"Carl." Rick says, with his arm out, Reese holding onto Maggie.

"No, dad!" Carl screams. "That's my girl! My unborn child! And if she killed them, took them away from me, I'll rip her apart & no one will stop me."

Rick nods, backing away.

"It's sad it happened this way." Andrea says, smirking.


"What the hell was that!?" Rick panics.

"That would be Negan." Maggie pipes in.

"And your house, Rick." Andrea says. "All up in pieces."

"Judith was home!" Rick screams, his tone sounding agonizing, running out the door.

Carl pulls the trigger, shooting Andrea in the heart & then turns doing the same to Maggie.

Reese gulps, nods to Carl. "I'm going to see if there's anything I can do." And she also runs out.

Carl walks over to my body. "I'm so sorry, love." He leans down, placing his ear on my chest, hearing my slight heartbeat. "You have to live!"

I lay my head on his back. "I will, I love you...Cowboy."


I watch as Daryl once again gives me blood. He's gotta give me blood once a week to help get out the effects the burn medicine out of my system.

Andrea & Maggie died 3 weeks ago. My body is starting to look better, I ache a lot though.

Judith was okay but Negan not so much. He's alive though. The wall fell & sheltered him so he's mostly just bruised up. He told Rick everything Andrea told him before she set the bomb.

"All good. See you two next week." Reese tells Daryl & I.

I walk out & over to Carl, we walk over to a little shed. Carl opens the door, we walk in hearing the snarls & snaps of walker Andrea & Maggie. We look up at eachother & grin.

We turn & leave, waking up to Rick when it happens. Pain. I grab my stomach. "Carl, I think the baby is coming..."

Carl's eye bugs. "Dad! Get Reese!"


"I'm sorry, Rick." Reese says as she opens the door where Rick is waiting. "Brooke isn't looking good." I watch her hand my baby girl to Rick.

I look over to Carl. "I'm s-sorry, C-Car-l." I try to grab his hand but can barely lift my hand. "I pr-promised."

Carl takes my hand. "I promise you, Brooke. We will always be together."

Carl takes out his pistol. I shake my head, pointing over to mine, that Rick gave me. Carl nods, going to grab it.

"I love you, Brooke."

"I love you, Carl Grimes."

Carl leans down, connecting our lips, placing my gun to the back of his head, pulling the trigger. Keeping our love together forever.

I Promised [The Walking Dead] {Carl Grimes}Where stories live. Discover now