37. Memori

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A/N This is going to be a very short chapter since I'm trying to get this out in one day and start it in one day, the day of my birthday. So don't expect a strong and in depth chapter. If it ends up being a strong and in depth chapter though, know that I can never stick to my own rules. 

Hello Petals, and enjoy this memory. 

Thank you for sticking around. 

TW: disturbing shit, pass the first few paragraphs to get past that, and go to the "DISTURBING IMAGERY DONE" in order to get past it <3 

Your POV -.- 

You were dreaming. You knew you were. 

You knew that this wasn't truly happening again, that all of this was just a lie.

That the fires encasing you weren't real. That your parents screaming wasn't real.

This couldn't happen again.

As you crouched on your bed, next to your brother, you turned your head.

Hoping you could get a glimpse of him.

But when you looked at him, all you could see was a blank slate.

His head was like a mannequins, and his face was a black hole. 

You couldn't see it. 

Nothing was like what you remembered.

Your mind had scarred it all over too quickly.

And too much.

You were trying to rip off the scars, take a knife and peel it off.

But you couldn't. You fucking couldn't. 

You couldn't remember your brother, but you knew that he could remember you.

So why the hell would he not reveal himself to you yet.

Why the hell had he not done so. 


The scene shifted, and you were sitting on top of the roof, a week from when you had gotten to this place. 

To this house. 

You took in a deep breath, enjoying your minds idea of fresh air and the wind.

You looked up at the constellations, smiling slightly.

You had a memory. It was from when you were at that one, that one house. The one house that you ran away from in guilt.

Thinking about it made you cringe.

It make a deep, terrible knot of regret and even more guilt well up in you. 

Making you want to cry.

To sob.

To stop.

But you continued on with the memory, thinking about how- how your sister in that house had taken you out onto the roof. 

And shown you the constellations. 

You chuckled at the memory, thinking about all the times that you had seen the stars and constellations in your life.

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