Wu x Pythor

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Wu was laying on Pythor's chest, he had to admit, Snake skin was pretty unique and had that feel Wu just loved
They've been talking about their pasts, how many lives they've fucked up and they've realized they are preety similar
They both chuckeled and then kept scrolling through Wu's photo album, and stopped at You Wu's photo just before one of the battles he'd been in

"Oh is that you?That must be you"Pythor giggled and then continued as Wu raised his eyebrow "You were so beautiful, to be honest...you remind me of that little son of your Evily-vivly brother, Lloyd"
Wu let out a little chuckle and replied "I know, Not like I fucked his mother, so he's probably mine.". TO That Pythor Couldn't help but laugh "Like father like son I see, You are both like a... magnet"
Wu then had some flashbacks of what he intended to do with Lloyd when he was still a child, before they found out what his destiny will be.He would have tried to seduce Little Lloyd, but as soon as he found out that Lloyd was the Green ninja, he pussied out because he knew he'd get Energy-Blasted by the child
"When I remind myself I wanted to, ....play with him..." Wu said realizing the missed chance. Upon seeing his Discomfort Pythor quickly distracted him "I see your Eyebrows- they weren't as bushy as they are now" and giggled a bit. Wu looked at him and replied with a smile "They ain't the bushiest thing on me" and then winked.

The two kept scrolling through albums and lived happily ever after

- or till everyone found out about that because Jay overheard it, recorded it and showed it to everyone so they killed both of them

- but even in the Cursed part of Departed realm they lived happily ever after

- tho they were getting backlash for being pedophiles

- Even Wu got a tentacle slap after admitting to the preeminent that he had intended to fuck Morro also

- but nonetheless, they lived happily ever after, because even in the hardest times, they had each other



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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WU x PYTHOR - A crappy joke )Reupload)Where stories live. Discover now