Part no.7

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You found yourself jumping into the battle saying the form in your mind as to not let the demon know you're behind it.
Reminds you of the time you went behind Giyu. Thats besides the point though.

'Crystal breathing, 7th form: Cold chains of the past!' Suddenly crystal chains started latching onto as many hands they could and the demons legs(?). The startled demon soon snapped out of it suddenly seeing another brat in its way.
"You brats don't know when to back off! Oh well free dinner!" The demon shouted while cackling after.

Soon enough the hand demon recognized Tanjiro's mask and smiled sadistically "Another one of Urokodaki's brats! Heh, I wonder how he'll react when he finds out another one of his precious students isn't coming back, oh I can only dream!" You were baffled on who Urokodaki was and how the demon knew the name but Tanjiro beat the question before you could ask. "How do you know my trainer, Urokodaki?" Tanjiro asked alarmed, the hand demon got angry remembering old times. "He's the one who put me in this hell hole! Damn him, damn him!!!" The demon said having a mini tantrum.

You were surprised he got turned being so childish and all, but the demon continued. "So I started killing all his students to get back at him, you'll be the 14th! But there were two that oddly stuck out to me, one with peach hair and an  odd looking scar on his cheek.. he was the strongest but not strong enough! The second one was a black haired girl with blue eyes, awfully agile but when I told her this she went into a rage.. so.. I ripped her limb from limb!" It laughed on and on about the deaths.

Tanjiro started having inner dialogue. 'No... it can't be... Sabito and Makomo!" He thought in rage.
'Ah shit, he's gonna try and jump the demon but then knocked the fuck out.' You thought to yourself.

Soon enough Tanjiro jumped at the hand demon chanting his water breathing forms.
'Heh.. the brat fell for it, time for another revenge session against Urokodaki.' The green demon thought.
You weren't gonna let the mans get bitch slapped with a fist though, so you shouted with a battle cry "Meme breathing, first form: Idiotic blast!" You stabbed him in the arm that was gonna hit Tanjiro.

Said male give you a smile of appreciation for a split second then turned back to the demon.

'Huh... what is this!? I need to kill the brat! What even is a dog!?' The hand demon thought to itself during the time it was distracted. 5 seconds passed and the demon snapped out of it, during that time Tanjiro started running up the arms to decapitate the demon. Said demon started having more inner dialogue. 'This brat can't cut through my neck, it's too thick! When he fails I'll rip him to shreds!' That didn't happen though.

Soon enough the demons head was flying off with a


Sorry if it was short! I suck at fighting scenes!

This the journey continues.

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