The Halfling Reborn (T)

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The Halfling Reborn written by verybean

The Halfling Reborn written by verybean

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You cover is very simple, but it works okay. I would more consider it to be like a placeholder cover for something that comes really great later, just because that font is a bit hard to read and the cover doesn't really 'pop'. Again, massive list of designers in my graphics resources that can help you out here.

I like the title, but I don't really see it as all that interesting. Again, it works for now, but you might want to consider trying something that jumps out a bit more. In addition, even after reading the blurb, I don't really understand the title. It's not mandatory to have an understandable title from the beginning, but it is something to consider because it really intrigues readers.


I...don't like your blurb. For one, you start off with a scene, which is something I really don't think works for any books. Second, there's just a lot in your blurb. And there's also not a lot of organization. I'd suggest using a blurb format to organize your thoughts, cut and add the necessary/unnecessary things, and rework from there. Lastly, I think you would greatly benefit from simply splitting up your blurb to make it look more manageable to readers. Right now, that big chunk of words is pretty daunting. I'd recommend a whole rewrite using the tips above.

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the ellipsis

The clause after the ellipsis and the colon are capitalized in American and Canadian grammar on the conditional that it is independent: It has a verb, subject and forms a complete thought. For example:

'Cleo realized the woman had an accent...was that French?"

The 'w' on 'was' should be capitalized there.

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