Chapter 24

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Caty POV

Things could not have been better. I was finally back with the love of my life and we had made up from the huge misunderstanding that we had just lived through. When I woke up the next morning, Zak was not in the bed with me. It had been the best night of sleep I had gotten in several weeks but the fact that Zak was not there and that my room was empty was enough to throw me off a little. I struggled to sit up but finally after several minutes of slowly inching my way into a sitting position, I was comfortable again. Thankfully the room that I was in had a tv in it and I was flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch, when there was a knock and the door opened. I had hoped it was Zak but as the curtain was swept back, I saw that it was a doctor.

"Good morning Miss Goodwin," she said, standing at the foot of my bed. "It's nice to see you awake. My name is Dr. Maselin and I've been taking care of you. How are you feeling?"

"Sore, but otherwise ok," I said, looking up at her. "I'm not nauseated thankfully."

"We made sure to give you some medicine for the nausea through your IV. Your brother made sure to tell us about that," she replied chuckling. "I just wanted to talk with you about something with your ultrasound." I sat up again quickly at her words, wincing slightly. 

"Is something wrong with my baby?" I asked. I probably should wait for Zak to be here during this conversation, but I was terrified about what she was going to say and knew that I couldn't wait.

"No no, everything is fine," she said and I sighed in relief. "There was just something that I noticed and had it verified by an ultrasound technician and an OBGYN. The tech that did your ultrasound yesterday, missed something interesting." She pulled a picture from my ultrasound out of a pocket in her white coat and handed it to me. I looked down at it, confused.

"What am I looking at?" I asked, looking up at her. She chuckled and came over to my side and started pointing things out.

"Here is the sac, the placenta, an umbilical cord, and here you can see your baby," she said, pointing at different pieces of the picture. The only thing that really made sense was the little blob that was my baby. "But here, is another fetus." At her words, my jaw dropped.

"Wait are you telling me..." I began to ask, but I trailed off, confused and surprised.

"Yes, Miss Goodwin," she confirmed, standing up again. "You are having twins. Based on what other tech and the OBGYN  had to say, they are most likely identical. Congratulations. Also you should be set to go tomorrow although, I would recommend nothing overly stressful and no flying for at least a week. I would prefer two weeks but I know how busy you and your boyfriend are so I understand if you need to head home after a week. But be sure to make an appointment with your own doctor when you get home to Vegas." I thanked her and she walked out. I sat still, staring at the picture in my hands for several minutes, shocked, before something clicked in my brain. I needed to know where Zak was. I tried to call his phone but it must have died because it went straight to voicemail. So I called my brother instead. It rang twice and he picked up.

"Caty Cat! Good morning kiddo how are you feeling?" he asked, his voice sounding relaxed and joyful.

"Physically, I'm still sore and tired. Emotionally, I have no idea," I responded looking back down at the picture in my hand.

"You ok?" he asked, his voice changing slightly. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Have you heard from Zak this morning?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, he's right here with me. He woke up this morning and I took him back to the hotel to get a shower and food. We are on our way back to the hospital now. Did you want to talk to him?" Aaron asked, sounding chipper again.

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