The nightmare😧

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After we introduced ourselves we went home, me and Sasuke trained together and Naruto followed Sakura.

Me and Sasuke had improved a lot since last time we trained together, I became stronger and more strategical while Sasuke had created new techniques.

We fought for the rest of the day until it was nighttime, we said our goodbyes and headed home

When I got home I changed into my pajamas and jumped into bed

I have trouble sleeping since I have insomnia. I hadn't had a full night of sleep in years.

I watched videos while waiting to get sleepy, hours went by.

I suddenly got a message from Sasuke on my phone.

Emo duck butt🙄: bitch u up

I responded to him

Y/n: mhm

Emo duck butt🙄: u wanna call

Y/n: bet

He called me and we talked for a while until we both fell asleep

Suddenly I was in a pitch black room with a white light pointing directly at me, no one else was in the room, or so I thought.

"You won't make it..." Is all I kept hearing, the voice was raspy and deep, it was scary.

I tried to move but I was tied up to a chair

A figure walked up to me

They had the same h/c hair and e/c eyes that I had

"Just give up..." The person said "He will forget you eventually..."

I woke up sweating, It was just a nightmare. I checked my phone to see the time, it was 6:30 am, my alarm would ring in 20 minutes.

I laid back down and waited for my alarm to ring since I couldn't go back to sleep.

When my alarm finally rang I went into the bathroom and took a shower. After that I picked an outfit (of ur choice bc I'm lazy).


I haven't updated every day like I said I did but come check every week for a chapter theres is always at least one chapter every week

It is currently 3 am so this will most likely not make sense

Word count:322

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