ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ sɪsᴛᴇʀ

5.3K 87 6

Age- 8
Warnings- none
Words- 1.9K+


Tonight was an exciting night, we had just got our pool built in which means we could test it out tonight. It was only 8pm and a little dark so what harm would be caused?

Me, Yelena and y/n all live in a big house in New York, i wouldn't want my life to be any other way than it is now.

"Are you ready to go in the pool" i say as i walk through to the bedroom where Yelena and y/n had finished changing into there swimming suits, Yelena wore her green 2 piece bikini and y/n insisted on wearing her 2 piece bright yellow one which we couldn't say no to.

"YES" y/n screams throwing her arms in the air, i chuckle lifting her up from under the arm pits and signal for Yelena to follow me, we all grab 3 towels and a few hair ties.

We all rushed outside and down the garden, through the gate to the new swimming pool, the water was so shiny and blue.

"Woah" y/n whisper looking around, me and Yelena laugh as y/n was standing still just staring at the water.

"Are we gonna swim or just stand there looking at the water" Yelena jokes in her thick Russian accent, y/n giggles standing back a bit. I help her put on her goggles or else she was not getting inside of that pool.

"Let's go" Yelena shouted running up to the pool and cannonballing into it making it splash water at us, y/n turned immediately into my leg hiding her face as the water rushed over us.

The truth was, y/n doesn't actually know how to swim, we've been to the beach a few time but never has she actually swam, so I didn't know how she was going to react in the pool as she has never been inside of one.

"I'll go first" i say, y/n let's go of my leg moving back a bit, i smile before running up and jumping in just as Yelena did.

"Come on y/n" i heard Yelena shout over to y/n before I got back up from underneath the water. Y/n stood frozen shaking her head and biting on the skin of her thumb.

"I'll catch you y/n, come here" i say walking forward and stretching my arms out to her, Yelena came and stood beside me. Y/n shook her head again letting out a small sob

"No,no,no don't cry, it's okay we're here y/n" Yelena comforts waiting on her, y/n sniffles a bit before walking closer to the edge

"I don't want these, it hurts" y/n says tapping her goggles, i frown a bit before telling her to take them off. She took them off and placed them down before standing on the edge and looking at me

"You got this" i smiled and held my arms out further, y/n nodded before closing her arms and jumping, i caught her just in time only chasing a small splash. Yelena cheered and swan closer to us

"You can open your eyes now silly" i chuckled as y/n's eyes were still shut tight, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled when she looked down seeing she was in the water.

"You did it" Yelena beams taking y/n from me and spinning them both around.

I smile before reaching over and grabbing an inflatable ball, I called over to them and they smiled at each other before we started to play with the ball.

Y/n was having a blast, she was giggling so much, Natasha was hitting the ball back and forth between us.

"Give it a bit hit y/n" i whisper when Natasha was looking up at the sky pointing to the birds y/n giggles before smashing the ball right into Natasha's face causing her to jerk back.

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