
3.6K 80 2

Age- 4-11
Scarlett's age- 19-26
Warnings- none
Words- 2.2K+


"You wanna go see your big cousin Scarly" Your mom says strapping you into your car seat, you haven't seen Scarlett in ages and we're so excited to finally meet up.

"Yes go see Scarly and go park" you say seriously making your mom laugh before closing the door and getting into the front.

You babbled the whole way to your aunt's house are she and Scarlett were.

"Look out the window y/n" your mom says, you stopped talking and sat up as far as you could looking out the window, seeing Scarlett and you auntie waiting at the door.

You squeal loudly clapping your hands and wriggling about waiting for your mom to unbuckle you, she eventually unbuckled you lifting you out and setting you on the ground.

You looked up at your mom and she gave you a nod, you smiled before turning around and running up to the front door where Scarlett was standing, she opened her arms, crouching down you giggled as you ran right into her, almost knocking her backwards with the force.

"I missed you" Scarlett says in a funny voice kissing your temples and rubbing your back

"I miss you too" you chirp up and pull back from Scarlett and run up to your auntie giving her a hug.

"How about we get some lunch and you can go to the park with Scarlett" your auntie Melanie says placing you on the ground, you look back up to your mom who smiles and nods, you squeal taking Scarlett's hand and running into the house with your little backpack that had your lunch inside of it.

"Cheese sandwich" you say taking everything that you had inside of your little lunch box and making them all while you done it, also taking a bite each time

"and a peppa pig" you giggle holding up the peppa pig chocolate stick and waving it in front of Scarlett's face. Scarlett gasps going to bite it but you giggle ripping it away from her

"It's mine" you laughing pulling a funny face and taking another bite of your cheese sandwich.

"It looks yummy" Scarlett smiles raising an eyebrow, you nod your head chewing on your food and looking the room at everything.

"I'm ready" you shouted jumping up and down making your shoes flash and sparkle.

"Let's go then, say bye to everyone" Scarlett says taking your hand and waving to your auntie and mom. You smiled waving to the 2 adults before stepping out the front door with Scarlett.

"Can you carry me" you ask shy-ly looking up at Scarlett, Scarlett smirks scrunching her nose before agreeing and lifting you up into her arms.

"Swings it slide first" Scarlett asks as you can now both see the park in the distance, you think for a moment laying your chin on Scarlett's shoulder.

"The slide!" You shout popping back up, Scarlett giggles and opens the park gate and makes her way to the slide with you.

Any time you would visit Scarlett or Scarlett visited you, every time yous would always go to the park no matter which one it was ever since you were a newborn you've been at a park with Scarlett every time you've seen her.

"Can you go up yourself or do you want me to help you" Scarlett asks placing down down on your own feet

"Can i go and you wait at the bottom, because you catch me" you asks squinting your eyes and looking up to Scarlett

scar/nat daughter one shots Where stories live. Discover now