⇢︎ Chapter 45 : Happy Memories

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"Phew" Sugino huffed out with a smile, "I thought we'd never get rid of those two

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"Phew" Sugino huffed out with a smile, "I thought we'd never get rid of those two."

Meahara couldn't help but laugh, "We saved your bacon, didn't we?" He said to Koro-sensei, who's head was enormous at this point, "It's a good thing we're quick on our feet or you'd be a goner!"

Koro-sensei waved his swollen hands as he let out a stuffed cackle, "That's adorable! I still had a few tricks up my sleeve, just so you know," He stated.

"Hey Terakasa," Hara's voice made said male stiffen where he stood, "In case you're wondering I heard your cracks about my weight. We 'fatties' prefer the term 'full figure'."

Terakasa was quick to put his hands up in a surrender pose as he gave Hara a pointed and nervous smile, "Didn't mean to be a dick!! Just sizing up the situation, all objectives!!" He claimed, dumbly.

Hara immediately turned pissed, "'SIZING IT UP'?! I may be on the heavy side, but I can still kick your ass!!"

"Wow~ A little tact goes a long way, man," Karma couldn't help but taunt Terakasa as he was crouching on a dry rock, "You should try it next time. Kinda hard to run from the wolves with your foot in your mouth, just saying~"

Terakasa irked, "Why don't you get down from your perch and say that to my face, you little turn nugget?!" He grabbed Karma's collar and threw him down into the river with him and the rest of the class, "How about that?!"

Karma gagged at the fact that his clothes got all wet, "HEY! I'm supposed to be your puppet master, remember?!"

"Don't even go there!! That was a temporary arrangement, and you're not the one who took a tentacle to the gut!!" Terakasa shouted, "That's right, I was down here tanking all the hits 'cause you don't have the balls to do your own dirty work!!"

"True you did keep your distance the whole time..."

"Oh~ Don't like getting your hands dirty, huh? We can fix that~" Nakamura taunted.

"Oh no you don't!" Karma shouted, "Why am I being targeted?! What about Y/n!?"

"Y/n gets special treatment because Shiro was here~"

"Plus, we would've kicked the shit out of Itona if he could."


Y/n watches from the cliff as the rest of the class had fun and taunted Karma as much as they could at the moment. He needed to stay hidden from Shiro, per his classmate's requests. He couldn't help but smile seeing everyone have fun in the river... without him...

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