Lil talk with your linlin

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hey, I am here with Linlin385

, many of you guys were waiting for her interview so here I am

but before that, thank you so much for agreeing to interview, you are sweet, really sweet, and caring.

I am Lil sick today but @Linlin385 asked me 3 times today about my health she is such a pure soul

without any further, let's get started

1. Can you tell us about yourself?

Lin: I'm not really someone who likes to introduce myself but I'll try

So I'm Lin, 15 years old, from Cambodia. I like reading and writing stories, especially ZhanYi stories as you can see by looking at my profile on Wattpad. I like watching movies, my favorite movie so far is Godzilla: King of the monsters from 2019.

2. When did you realize that you wanted to be a writer

Lin: It happened not too long ago actually
It started when I stumbled upon a video on YouTube. It was a fanfic of one BTS member. It was a Jimin x reader fanfic. I was curious about what it meant so I started to watch it. After that, I found myself enjoying reading stories, but it never came to me that I wanted to write any stories. That changed when I got to know The Untamed. My friends told me it was a very good drama to watch and at first, I ignored it since I wasn't a big BL fan at the time. But one day, I decided to watch it. I highly enjoyed it and found an app called Wattpad. I saw many books, but my main focus was Yizhan/Zhanyi stories. Even though the books were all good, I just had a feeling that I wasn't satisfied. Some books were just not good and ideas came to my head. I thought to myself that since there were some storylines I want to read, there were no books. I decided to take it upon myself to write books.
At first, it came off as a joke, but the longer I write, I realized that I enjoy writing stories. It made me so happy when I found out there were so many people who love my books. My readers were so supportive and it encouraged me to write more and more.
So I think when I realized I wanted to be a writer was because of Yizhan/Zhanyi stories but a big thank you to whoever wrote that Jimin x Reader fanfic or else I would've never found out I enjoy reading 😹💙

Me : wow

Lin: It's a bit long I know 😅

3. What are your hobbies and interests other than writing?

Lin: But other than writing... hm... well, I listen to a lot of music, mainly Kpop, but I don't know that many groups as I mainly listen to BTS. I like using my phone and texting my friends. I like hanging out with them a lot. One thing I enjoy a lot is probably annoying my mom 😹. Strange, I know. But I think it's just fun but not so fun when she gets really angry.

I'm also quite interested in watching lots of interesting YouTube videos. I really enjoy watching maybe history videos and some science videos

Me: pretty interesting

4. Out of 10 books of yours which one is your favourite?

Lin : Why is you question so hard? 😭

It's so difficult to choose which one is my favorite since I love all of them and they are my precious treasures 😭

But if I were to choose which one is my favorite...

I would go with The Prince and His Fairy

I've always loved fantasy stories with mythical creatures like fairies and such

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