Tattoo Tour

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During your time in the VP, you had started to get to know the other agents fairly well. You got to know how they worked and the little things about them. Like how their radiant abilities worked and what they did, or how they created their tech. The one person who remained a mystery to you, however, was Chamber.

The tall, enigmatic French weapons designer intimidated you despite his apparent approachable demeanour. He was mesmerizing though, with the way his golden tattoos wrapped around him. They seemed to be flush against the skin, but you knew that they were actually a gun, you just weren't sure how. It was an impressive display of both artistic design and technology, and frankly was perfectly encapsulating of his personality. You always wondered just how far the tattoos went. You could see, just as well as everyone, the ones that wrapped around his head and disappeared under the neckline of his shirt, but you also noticed the bright golden stripes that extended past his shirt sleeves.

You thought about asking him about them, but each time you decided you were going to, you would get nervous and give up. So instead, you resigned yourself to staring at the tattoos that you could see, making sure it wasn't obvious that you were doing so. The two of you didn't work together often anyway, so it was never too big of a deal.

You're in the training hall doing routine target practice. Everything is fine, that is until you see a familiar face walk into the hall out of the corner of your eye.

You knew that even though he did most fieldwork and missions in a suit, that Chamber wouldn't wear something so fancy for a workout, but that didn't mean that seeing him in a tank top and sweats didn't surprise you. You try to focus on what you were doing, but you can't stop glancing to the side as Chamber runs on one of the treadmills across the room.

By the time you finish working through your gun work and putting things away, Chamber is getting off of the treadmill. You can't help but look over as he stretches. You catch a glimpse of bright gold down by his hip that dips past the waistline of his pants. He looks over and you quickly turn back to the cabinet where you were putting things away, face flushed. You take a breath and hope that he didn't notice.

Of course, he does notice. He's already walking over to you when you turn from the cabinet. You're nervous for a moment that you've upset him by staring, but quickly notice that he's smiling; or smirking, rather.

"Did you see something you like, mon chou?" He asks teasingly as he gets closer.

You know your face must be scarlet by now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare, I just-" you start, but he quickly cuts you off.

"Oh, do not worry, I don't mind. But do share what about me caught your eye." He's almost leaning over you. You kind of feel like he's doing this just to fan his ego and get a kick out of watching you struggle to compose yourself.

"Your tattoos," you answer simply, "they're just really nice."

He laughs a little, but you can see the pink that dusts his cheeks.

"That is it?"

"I'm sorry for staring, I've just been meaning to ask you about them before and I always got too nervous."

"Well, if you will allow me to go shower, I am more than willing to answer any questions after. There is no need to be nervous, I do not bite." He winks at you, and you let out a nervous laugh as your heart flutters. "Meet me in the commons area?"

"Sure," you breathe out. He walks away to the showers, and you head to the commons area.

About ten minutes later, Chamber is walking into the empty commons area where you are waiting on one of the couches. Chamber is smiling as usual as he sits down beside you. He's wearing a different pair of sweats but swapped the t-shirt for a black tank top that shows off more of the golden designs that seem to go all the way across his back and down.

"Now, I believe you had questions about my work?"

You nod. "Are they stiff like metal? I mean clearly not because that would restrain your movement, but are they like..." You struggle for a moment to find the words. "I suppose a better question would be do they feel like a normal tattoo?"

Chamber stretches out his arm and gestures to it. "Feel for yourself."

You raise a hesitant hand and lightly brush against the gold. The tattoo itself feels different from his skin, but it sits completely flush against his body. It's only a little colder than him. You lightly press against it to find no resistance. It seems impressively thin for something that can turn into a gun at a moment's notice.

You realize how long you've been running your hand along the design and take your hand away sheepishly. "Sorry," you start, but once again Chamber is stopping you.

"Mon chou, you apologize too much. I really do not mind."

He takes his arm back and looks at you expectantly.

"Is the whole design your one gun? The big one?"

He laughs a little before answering. "Tour de force, 'the big one'," he quotes affectionately, "is stored in one part of it. My smaller guns are stored in another."

"How big is the tattoo, like how far down does it go?" You know exactly how that sounds, but it's the only way you can think of to ask.

Chamber chuckles and you see that it's his turn to blush slightly.

"The furthest they go is down is just above the back of my knees. I could show you, but I do not think that is suitable for such a public space." You flush as he laughs. "Of course, if you were truly curious, my room is always available," he teases and laughs as you sputter.

"That's not necessary, but thank you." You're smiling, despite how flustered he's made you. "Thank you for letting me bug you with all these questions."

"Oh, it was a pleasure, y/n. I hope I have not scared you off." He's grinning, but you know he's being genuine. "If you have any more questions in the future, please, do not hesitate to ask." He winks as he gets up from the couch to leave, only because he can't help it. Seeing you stumble over your words is too cute.

"Thank you," and in a moment of confidence you add, "I might take you up on that offer."

"I hope you do, mon chou." 

Tattoo Tour | Chamber x Reader (VALORANT) [NSFW]Where stories live. Discover now