I was great and mighty (2)

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A stoic voice called out to him,

   She had a neat and primly tight bun on top of her head. Her chin was proudly raised and she used a extravagant and proper dressing with no visible flaw--

"Welcome back"

  a small smile graced her lips like a practiced gesture, though there was warmth evident in it to those who know her well.

Something Cale chose to not acknowledge; but appreciated.

"I'm back,"

Cale greeted her back, loosening his hold of his two younger siblings.




  Cale kept his lips curled up as he greeted everyone he came across. Though it was a hassle to do, his facial muscles were so used to doing it, he doesn't even had to try.

His family, The Vassal's, The Servants...

He greeted them all one by one;

  Every one, but one person. Someone he hadn't seen since his arrival. Not even a hair strand.

He must've been busy,

"...Cale, your father--"

Violan, began when she saw him looking around. She must have thought he was searching for his father.


  "He... had to go somewhere this morning." Her eyes trailed down towards his braided hair that ran down from the side of his shoulder, something that had grown quite a bit than before. Even the uneven cut was no longer visible.

"He had to visit a Duchess Sonata in the southwest,"

"Is that so?"

"It is so."

"He must have been very busy"

  Violan seemed uncomfortable, and Cale was more than happy to stop the conversation. But she continued on.

  "Yes, The winter solstice will happen soon. And since The Henituse are in charge of this years preparation, your Father has been rather busy."

  She explained even though she didn't have to. Cale could even see the dark circles forming under her eyes.
The winter solstice...

He almost forgot about that,

  That must have been the reason why everyone seemed to be dressed more stuffier than usual.

"Speaking of which, aren't you cold?"

She was probably referring to the lack of coat and layers that were on Cale's body. It was to be expected,

Cale hadn't changed nor add anything to warm his skin.

  He probably should have, but the problem lays on the fact he didn't even noticed the changing of the temperature, nor the drop of it.

In reply, Cale could only laugh a bit;

"The excitement of coming back must have blown it all away,"

. . .

Hans who stood behind the countess kept his head low in a semi bowing position.

  He had already noticed the young master's lack of coat since he got out of the carriage. But couldn't say anything as it wasn't his place to do so. Though... That wasn't the thing he was focused on.

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