Chapter 16

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"Good Morning, Haru. Are you here to see Rin?" Karin smiled opening the door and seeing the boy standing there, hands in his pocket as she chuckled

"Yes, Is that okay?" Haru asked as Karin nodded and let him through as she walked behind him

"You should know she is still not 100% better," Karin said as she walked into the Kitchen while Haru nodded and looked up the stairs "She would want to see you" Karin finished, reassuring the boy as she smiled

"Thank you and you should know, Kyo has a play for the school festival," Haru said pulling out a colourful leaflet from his trousers as Karin's eyes widened

"Cinderella-ish?" Karin questioned looking at the poster and then back up at the boy as he simple nodded

"He will want you and master to go" Haru smiled before walking up the stairs while Karin nodded looking at the leaflet. 

"Thank you, Haru," Karin said before she looked up at the smashed picture frame before she smiled to herself

'My family is fixing' she thought with a smile.

"What's this?" Kazuma asked lifting the leaflet as Karin cleaned the table on which they had dinner she smiled

"Kyo's play" She chuckled to herself walking with the plates as Rin soon walked down the stairs with her plate.

"Kyo is in a play?" She questioned as Karin chuckled looking at the two.

"Yes and he is the prince" Karin chucked once again as Rin wore a dumbfounded expression as Kazuma smiled looking at the leaflet.

"Do you want to go with me?" Karin asked looking at Kazuma as he looked at her before grabbing her hand and smiling

"Of course, I will" He smiled while Karin smiled and soon kissed him on the cheek as Rin was a disgusted look

"Can you not in front of me?" Rin said walking away as Karin simple chuckled as she watched the girl walk away before hugging the man.

"Are you okay?" He questioned hugging her back as she signed loudly, looking up to meet his gaze before she simple smiled

"I'm happy, I feel like our family is coming back together and Kyo is getting better," Karin said before burying her face into his chest as Kazuma smiled

"Yes, He does seem to be better," Kazuma said with a smile as Karin chuckled

"I bet it is to do with Tohru" Karin sang as Kazuma simple sighed and looked down at his grinning wife

"Don't do anything, let it happen?" Kazuma said as Karin sighed letting the mango

"But that's soooo, Boring and without me meddling someone is bound to get hurt," Karin said frowning and looking "Knowing Kyo it will take something major for him to confess and if she confesses first he will reject her. You know that right?" Karin asked as Kazuma simple chuckled

"Leave the two be, Karin" Kazuma chuckled on seeing his wife frowned. 

"Oh, My look at you all" A voice rang out at the front of the school as all four of Kisa, Hiro, Momiji and Haru turned towards Karin and Kazuma who was walking towards them with a smile.

"Karin!" Momiji sang while Karin smiled at the boy and rubbed his head as he held the camera

"How are you Momiji?" Karin asked as the boy simple blushed at the attention as she looked down with a smile. 

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