Hiding a Nun

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(From now on Ddraig an your conversations will be in italics since they take place in your head)

Well this was unforeseen. We discovered a young, blond haired girl wearing a robe had tripped in front of us. I looked at Raynare and she looked like she seen a ghost. 

(Y/N): Everything ok Ray?

Raynare: Y-yeah

(Y/N): I feel as though you're not telling me something.

Raynare: It's not that I'm not telling you; I just forgot about this. 

She gave me a nervous laugh. 

Raynare: We need to get her somewhere safe; I promise I'll tell you everything I forgot to tell you.

I could sense she was telling the truth, but I'm very curious as to what this is about. 

Ddraig: Can you feel it? The girls power?

(Y/N): Now that you mention it I can feel something in her. Is it another sacred gear?

Ddraig: Yes, it's not one of offensive power like mine. I think it's a healing one.

(Y/N): Most interesting. Ray is right we need to protect her. If the devils find her they won't even hesitate.

Ddraig: On another note when did you start calling her Ray?

(Y/N): Oh shut up

He just laughed

Ddraig: Whatever you say partner.

I went up the the girl that had collapsed and knelt in front of her.

(Y/N): Are you ok?

She looked up at me and gave a gentle smile 

???: I'm fine thank you for asking kind stranger.

I reached out my hand to help her up and she took it. 

???: My name is Asia Argento. It seems God has blessed my journey sending a kind stranger my way. 

(Y/N): I guess so. My name is Y/N and this is my girlfriend Raynare.

Ray blushed at this, but then Asia went up to her and took both of her hands.

Asia: Mistress Raynare! I'm so glad to finally meet you!

(Y/N): Mistress Raynare?

I said with a teasing tone as she looked away blushing.

Asia: I was going to meet you at the church, but it seems the Lord had other plans.

Ryanare: I-Indeed Asia.

(Y/N): Well the church isn't being used anymore so would you like to come to our home? 

Asia: Bless you, thank you so much!

She gave us a bright smile that could blind someone.

We began walking to our home as we learned more about Asia. As we walked I could sense the guilt from Raynare, she regrets Asia being here. I took Raynares hand with mine and interlocked our fingers. She looked at me and I gave her a soft smile, and she manages to smile back at me. It was then we heard a cry. Looks like a little boy fell and scraped his knee. If I cried like that when I was his age at the academy they would have tortured me with force lightning, if not outright killed me for showing such weakness. Then Asia went up to consul the boy, but she did something else that surprised me. She held out her hand giving off a golden glow, then his scrape disappeared. He thanked Asia, but his mother saw this and quickly dragged him away. She stood up smiling, but I can feel her sadness. 

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