Chapter 22: The Night Parade

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December 24th, 2017
The Night Parade of 100 Demons

     The day of proposed demise; the ill fated hour. In a classroom Yuta and Haku sat in silence, staring out the window knowing their classmates were out there confronting the danger head-on. Gojo had revealed the plan to the students that previous night, much to Yuta and Haku's objections. However, in theory, it was what seemed best.

     All they could do now as they waited in the quiet was for the return of their friends. Yuta couldn't help but tap his foot anxiously. "I know Gojo Sensei said this was best but I'm still not okay with knowing our friends are out there risking their lives," he admitted, breaking the silence.

     "Shiro is there," Haku responded absentmindedly. Their thoughts were preoccupied with other stresses.

     Yuta looked at Haku hopefully, "Are they okay?"

     Haku nodded, "They're okay, but there is a lot of cursed energy there. Panda and Inumaki's levels keep wavering."

     "And Maki?" curious, Yuta asked.

     "I still have a hard time sensing Maki, but the weapon she normally uses is okay." It was all Haku could give on the situation.

Despite the lack of certainty regarding Maki's condition, it did help to ease a bit of Yuta's worries for their friends. "Thank you Haku. We may not be there but at least there's always Shiro."

"Always," Haku repeated like a promise.

In a split second, Haku shot up from their seat with their eyes wide as their palms slammed down on the table. A reaction so sudden, it make Yuta flinch. Before Yuta could ask what was wrong, Haku ran straight for the exit. Scrambling as fast as he could, Yuta hurriedly followed without question; in situations like these, it was always best to trust Haku's instincts.

Once outside, Yuta figured out why Haku acted the way they had; the sky was being engulfed by a darkness unmistakable for a curtain. It surrounded the vicinity as Haku's gaze had been directed towards the school's entrance. Yuta followed it and there stood a figure that made his blood run cold— Suguru, Geto.

"I knew I'd find you here Okkotsu, Yuta. There would be no way Satoru would send a volatile gem like you in harm's way. Such a cowardice move." Suguru called out, strolling over to the two students leisurely.

Haku and Yuta stiffened their stances, preparing for the worst. Suguru's pleasant expression from earlier fell once his eyes rested upon Haku. He scowled, "And you."

"You should be out there, a feeble disgrace on death's doorstep at the hands of a lowly curse I wouldn't waste more than a few seconds of my time on," Suguru's distain unable to be hidden as he growled at Haku.

Haku extended their right arm out to the sides , flexing their hand as a soft casted white glow surrounded their figure. In a few moments, from the corner of Yuta's eye, something was coming towards them at a rapid speed. He took a step back as he looked at what could be approaching. It flew right into Haku's hand; their scythe.

Taking a more protective stance now armed, shielding Yuta behind them, Haku had a fire in their eyes unlike ever before. The sight amused Suguru as he let out a few laughs at the small in stature student, "What's this? The runt is going to attack me? Let me show you what happens to stupid puppies that bite off more than they can chew."

      With impressive speed, they charged at Suguru; the weight of gravity was a nuisance that didn't burden Haku. Light as a feather floating in the breeze, Haku's footsteps couldn't be heard as they approached in silence. Striking with force, Haku swung their scythe with all of their strength, but it wasn't fast enough to catch Suguru off guard.

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