Chapter 13

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Tony, Sarah, Sam

Sam questionably looks at Lynor and asks "See what?" Sarah walks to the pond and says "Why do these fishes look like the fishes that killed off half of our population on earth?" Sam runs to the pond and angrily says "Lyndda ..Lynor why aren't you saying anything?" Lynor grabs both of them and pulls the group through a white oval size door. He looks at the group and whispers "Keep your voice down..people are noticing you." Tony looks up and says "Why didn't I notice the people before? I thought we were alone?" Lyndda looks at him and coldly says "I told you, what you may see is not necessarily the truth. I will explain everything once we get home, but not a word until then." She looks at the group and says "Respond." The three give off a surprise look and in unison say "Yes Ma'am!"

       Once the group arrives at Lynor and Lyndda house, Tony immediately asks "How is it possible for Earth and this world to have the same species, but be completely different on everything else?" Lyndda sits down and says "Time moves differently on this world than on Earth. For example, 1 year on earth is 5 years on this world. This world is the complete opposite of earth. That means if anything leaks to Earth from this world then it would produce catastrophe results. A couple years ago, we had a breach problem and a breach problem is when something slips out of this world onto Earth. Two of our Bengozie feshs somehow got through the water line that separates our worlds. We did not know until it was too late and by then the feshs started mating with Earth fishes. The food that these people digest can't be digested by the people of Earth. The body structure and digestive system is too different from our bodies. We told the founding families and they told everyone that they will take care of the situation." Lynor looks at Sam and she looks like she is about to blow a head gasket. Sarah started taking deep breaths to calm her emotions. 

       Tony is the only one that seems stable or at least not freaking out. Tony takes a deep breath and calmly asks "So the big pandemic that killed off millions of people was due to 2 fishes from this What are the fishes made of? What do they contain? Was this the first time that something like this happened?" Lynor grunts and says "One question at a time... Everything in this world is made for these types of species. If your body has not adapted to fit this type of environment then you should never digest anything from this world." Sarah looks up in horror and says "We digested something called Blac Smuk..what's going to happen to us? And the food that Lyndda cooked for us. Oh No! I feel dizzy!" Lyndda checks Sarah's temperature and says "You don't have a temp and your body has somewhat adapted to this environment but not entirely. So you won't die but your body might undergo some changes." Sam takes a deep breath and quietly asks "What changes?" Like a third leg or grow another head?" Lynor and Lyndda look down and whispers "Everybody is different, so the changes will also be different. We won't know until it actually happens." Everyone became silent with worried looks. It wasn't until Lyndda stood up and told everyone to get a good night's sleep when people started moving to their prospective spots.

       The next morning, Sarah was the first person to wake up so she decided to help Lyndda cook breakfast. Lyndda looks at Sarah and asks "How did you sleep?" She yawns and says "I barely slept..I have so many questions like who knew the truth back on Earth? Why did they cover up the truth?" Lyndda sighs and coldly says "Would you believe if an alien fish accidentally swam into the Pacific ocean and created a million babies that killed off half of the Earth population?" Sarah looks down and says "No, I would think that they would be trying to cover up the real story, but it's different now since..I'm here." Lyndda smiles and seriously says " people won't believe unless they see the evidence with their own eyes. Humans, we are finicky. Now how are you feeling? Any headaches or sharp pains?" Sarah nonchalantly says "Nope, I just feel a little weak, but I think that's because I'm hungry. What are you cooking? Can I help?" Lyndda happily says "Well since you will be in this world, you need to learn to cook to survive in this world." As Lyndda teaches Sarah to cook, Lynor decides to talk to Sam and Tony.

       Lynor looks at them and says "Today you will be working..we won't find out the positions until we get to work. Tony, I need you to tone down the questions. People that live here don't ask questions. Remember asking questions can get you killed." Tony sighs and asks "Well how will I know what to do for my position? Don't worry, I will be discreet when I am at work, but I need to learn about everything in this world..I mean we are like babies in this world." Sam chimes in and says "What about me?" Tony smiles and says "I need you to not be curious...the more you are curious, then the more people will get curious about you." Sam happily replies "Is that a bad thing.. I mean I can share knowledge about Earth and they do the same." Tony coldly says "Their perspective of Earth is very negative. Some of it true and some false, but you letting them know about Earth is basically you telling them you are human." Tony sighs and asks "When will you tell us how Earth is related to this situation?"

!Knock Knock!

       Gorduoy walks in and plops down next to Lynor. He happily says "Okay, here are your IDs. Don't lose them, it was a headache making them." He looks at Tony and says "you will be working with me..which means that I am your boss and you have to do what I say! Are you willing?" Tony stutters and timidly says " as long as it doesn't put me in danger, then I am willing to do it! Anything!" Gorduoy smirks and whispers "Anything okay, remember you said it not me. Sa..Samm, Ugh human names will be the death of me. Anyway you will be in the Trader Breed. Make sure to report to Mr.Y and please don't stare at him like an idiot. Lynor there are only a few breeds that have available positions so don't ask me why she is in that breed." Lynor begins to say something, but then shakes his head. Lynor looks at Gorduoy and asks "What about Sarah ID?" Gorduoy smiles and ask "Where is that munchkin?" Sarah interrupts him and says "My name is not munchkin...Gordo!" Gorduoy gasps and says "You are not allowed to call me that! Lyndda did you tell that HUMAN MY NAME?" Lyndda laughs and jokingly says "It's not like it will kill you. Sarah stop messing with him!" She looks at Gorduoy and says "Happy now, she won't call you that. Now what Breed is Sarah in?" Gorduoy rolls his eyes and says "She is in the Purification Breed." He hands her the ID.

       Gorduoy drops the smile and says "Since you will be working in different breeds, then we will have to teach you about the Founding Families. Let's start with the Clawney Clan. They have a total of 51 different species in their family.The main families are the Dalcon, Keot, and Sparkeko family. Most of them live in there own territory, but a select few live in this town to supervise the mix breeds working for them." Tony raises his hand and ask "Um, what is a mix-breed?"

       Gorduoy smiles and say "We have a curious pup..A mix breed is when someone from a founding family produces an offspring with a different family. Their will be physical changes as well as internal changes. Depending on who they mix with! Munchkin you better listen since you will be directly under the Clawney Clan members." Sarah snorts and ask "What exactly is a Purification Breed?" Lyndda chimes in and says "It's when we purify the places they live in so basically cleaning up after them." Sarah looks at Gorduoy and asks "Why didn't you put me in a better breed?" Gorduoy annoyingly replies with "I'm sorry did a human say something to me?" He begins to walk toward Sam and says "You will be working under the Travesura Clan. This clan is the most mysterious out of all the Founding Families. Nobody really knows what is going in that clan because they keep to themselves. That being's barely any mix breeders in that clan because they have so many extended species in that family. Just stay on guard whenever you are around the Travesura Clan. You will learn how to interact with them when you spend more time with them. 

       Now..Tony you will be working in my department. Just stay with me and you will be fine." Tony gives him a worried look and says "What is it that you actually do again?" Gorduoy laughs and say "The Founding Families put me in charge of the Special Class. We do a little bit of everything." Sam asks "Oh so which family are you from?" Gorduoy bitterly smiles and says "My mother was in the Travesura Clan and my Father was in the Life Clan. That's why I have rat-like features. My personality comes from the Life Clan side. Now Lyndda can you get these..HUMANS some food for them to eat so we can start the day?" Lyndda glares at him and ushers everyone to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

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Italics- Internal Dialogue 

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