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What is a human?

According to the wise man Marcus Bimyorouv's Human-and-Blue theory, a human is a robot. Haven't heard about him? Look it up on google AFTER reading this. A human is a robot made of cells; 'natural' stuff cause humans don't 'make' humans though in a way they actually do. Anyways, a human to him is a robot covered with flesh. And there's a light inside them. When the ovule and the sperm meet for the first time, they get combined, intertwined beautifully and a little ball of light comes from the sky or nowhere cause the sky is kind of a nowhere and goes inside the fertilized ovule. It has the color, if you can call it a color, of a burning magnesium strip and if you look closely, it's kinda blue too. It is tiny and it is visible, but you don't see it cause you don't look for it and cause you don't know when it will appear. But according to him, we are always surrounded by millions of those shining balls.

This man Stan Shunpike once said "Don' listen properly, do they? Don' look properly either. Never notice nuffink, they don'." ..... muggles.

And with time, the color inside the robot; human here, gets bluer and brighter. The human's body is filled with the light. If you can look inside a five-year-old robot cub; a child, you'll get blinded by the brightness for sure and you'll see the bluest blue you'll ever see in your entire life.

But. After five years (the number depends), the blueness and the brightness start fading. It's still blue but its faded. And the fading rate depends too. The fading rate can be zero temporally, but it will start fading again. A little bit of blue will be added occasionally when you save one or two ants from drowning. So everyone has different colors. When the frequencies of your colors match, you like each other.

The color stops fading when the color reaches the color of the burning magnesium strip. And when the Time comes, the bright light with which your body was filled concentrates into a tiny ball behind your navel, reaches the heart in a flash, goes through the bloodstreams all around your body and goes out from the pinkie of your right foot making a tiny pop sound. It is audible but you won't hear it because you don't listen to it, and cause you don't know when it will come out.

Marcus came up with a formula for the fading rate and I should say that my two tiny braincells are not enough to understand and explain such a complicated formula.

It is, R= (Kb ln(fi) - n ln(fz))/d + hyi where,

Kb = Boltzmaan constant,

fi = The original frequency of the ball of light in the beginning

fz = The frequency of the light inside an ant

n =  The number of ants you saved

d = The number of days from the day the fading started

h = Plank constant

yi = The number of years after which the fading started

When the ball leaves your body, it soars up freely like a white moth and flies nowhere, and we all know where that nowhere is, another fertilized ovule cause no one is never done and it's a cycle.

Ps: The Human-and-Blue theory doesn't exist cause I made it up.

Pps: The wise man Marcus Bimyorouv doesn't exist cause the Human-and-Blue theory doesn't exist. 

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