Episode 6:Bond

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Blackfire smiled evilly as she used the shard on Pika and it glowed lifting Pika up into the air. The Titans watched shocked as Pika was lifted up covered in red markings and his eyes glowed red. The Titans gasped as they saw they're new friend in this crazy state. "So...Let's test this out. Pika?" Pika looked at Blackfire with his red eyes and spoke in an evil demonic voice. "Yes...Blackfire?" Blackfire held the shard in her hand. "Destroy your pathetic new friends! Turn into the most powerful creature and crush them!" Beast Boy gasped. "Not Mewtwo!" Pika turned into Mewtwo and the Titans glared at Beast Boy. "oops..." Robin growled. "Blackfire is controlling Pika. Titans! Get that shard!" Robin attacked first by throwing mini bombs at Blackfire but Pika used Telekinesis to throw them back at Robin. Beast Boy turning into a Pterodactyl diving towards Pika but Pika used psyshock freezing him in place before throwing him towards Cyborg. Cyborg grunted as Pika threw Beast Boy towards him and Beast Boy turned back to normal. "You and your big mouth!" Cyborg growled but got up firing his laser cannon towards them. Pika used psychic on Cyborg to short out his cannon and toss him aside.  Starfire threw Starbolts at Blackfire. "Pika! You must break out of this control! But Pika ignored Starfire and used Ice punch to freeze her. 

Blackfire laughed. "You cannot reach him! He is under my control!" She laughed evilly until a black source of energy shot at her and she looked towards Raven. Raven growled and threw projectiles at Blackfire but she dodged and ordered Pika to attack Raven. "Pika...This isn't you. Blackfire doesn't control you...You control yourself." Pika growled and used psychic to hold Raven in place before coming close towards her. "Pika...remember what you promised me...you can fight this. Fight this control!" Pika looked into Raven's eyes and her words echoed through him. Blackfire snarled. "No! Pika! Don't listen to her! Crush her!" Pika looked deeply into Raven's eyes and something snapped. "I...I won't hurt my friends!" Pika yelled as his eyes turned back to normal and he gently sent Raven down before looking towards Blackfire angrily. "You...no longer control me Blackfire!" He healed all the Titans and started attacking Blackfire. Blackfire used her star bolts and laser eyes to attack Pika but Pika was powerful. "No...How is possible?! Your supposed to be under my control!" Starfire attacked her sister by throwing her and using her own Star Bolts. "Pika broke free...because of us." 

Pika's mouth began bleeding because he was in this form too long and used the last ounce of his strength to knock Blackfire unconscious before turning back to normal coughing blood badly. Blackfire was defeated and the Titans took her to be frozen except Raven stayed with Pika. She looked at him worriedly as Pika was coughing blood from turning into a powerful legendary. "You broke free...because of your friendship with us. You are in charge of yourself Pika. You control your destiny...and we'll be beside you." She gently held his paw and lightly smiled before leaving him to rest. As she was leaving she looked at Pika once more before closing his door and going to her room wanting to look up Mewtwo. Raven looked down and the shard that Blackfire used but it wasn't Blue...it was pure black. "Wasn't this shard blue before?" She looked at it before taking it with her back to her room.

The Titans returned home and went to check on Pika.  They see the young mouse sleeping soundly and Robin looked at his teammates. "Titans...It seems that Someone must've unfrozen the villains we froze after we defeated the Brotherhood of evil...and are sending them to get Pika." Starfire gasped lightly. "Who would do something so horrible and why target Pika?"  Robin looked at them. "I don't know Star...but whoever's after Pika won't get him because he's our teammate and friend now. We will protect him." Beast Boy smiled. "Totally! and..uh..sorry i mentioned Mewtwo." Robin Cyborg and Starfire glared daggers at Beast Boy. "No more legendary Pokémon Beast Boy!" Cyborg chased him around the living room trying to smack him. "I promise Cyborg! I promise!" 

Raven was in her room looking at the Legendary Pokémon Mewtwo. "So..Mewtwo has Mega Evolutions...two of them...fitting. It's known as the Genetic Pokémon." She looked at the entries. "A vicious psychic Pokémon created by genetic engineering. Its cold, glowing eyes strike fear into its enemy. huh...something we have in common but only with this Pokémon." She read about Mega Mewtwo. "So it's basically a powerful Pokémon created to fight and has a savage heart..." She couldn't help but feel bad for this Pokémon but looked at the shard that Blackfire dropped. "I know it was blue before...but why did it turn black?" Pika later woke up but he was still weak from Blackfire's attack and he was hungry. "Wow..m-my room..." he looked at his new room as it was perfect. a small TV and a bed including a lamp. "I-I love it." 

As the Titans were getting ready to have dinner Raven came out and joined them but looked a little disappointed when Pika wasn't there. "I guess he's still tired and i don't blame him." As they were getting ready to have Pizza everyone looked disappointed that Pika wasn't there with them. "It seems Pika is still exhausted from Blackfire's brainwashing attempt. I don't know who is after him but we won't let anything happen to him. " Robin told his teammates and served the pizza. "How about tomorrow we can each take turns with Pika so that way he can hang out with all of us and once he gets more comfortable with us we can do group hang-outs?" Robin proposed and all of them agreed. "And Beast Boy...try to restrain yourself." Beast Boy scoffed. "What About Starfire? She's the one going gaga over his cute forms!" Pika came out of his room still breathing and starving but he looked at his friends. Everyone looked at Pika surprised and accepted him to join in. "What is this delightful smell?" Pika asked them. "It's called Pizza." 

After the Titans had dinner and Pika enjoyed Pizza for the first time they all went to bed except for Pika. he went up to the tower to sit down on the ledge to think. "T-They still accepted me...even though i almost destroyed them...d-did I break my promise?" A voice sounded behind him. "No. you were brainwashed and you weren't in control of your actions." Pika's ears perked as he turned around and saw Raven in the doorway. "What are you still doing up?" Pika asked her. Raven sighed and sat beside him. "I was...concerned about you puffball." Pika looked at Raven. "Puffball? is that an insult or an affectionate nickname?" He chuckled and Raven lightly smiled as they both sat beside each other. 

After a little bit on the roof with Raven Pika told her goodnight and he feels better before he went to sleep in his new bed. Raven herself went to her room feeling better about Pika. "Wow...Pika is...different. H-He makes me...smile. Why?" Raven thought to herself as she went to sleep. 

Bill was getting frustrated but he still kept calm. "Ok...Blackfire almost succeeded. Brother Blood. Your up." Brother Blood smiled but he was a younger Brother blood. "Oh...It's an honor Bill. I only have but in goal in mind. I will help you but as long as I get what i want." 

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