Reader Details // Intro

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Welcome to my second book!! This chapter will provide background of how you, my lovely reader's character, are introduced to this story and world. The chapters will be formatted to be read left to right, iPhone device perspective. This story will also be updated slower than my usual schedule.

Reader uses He/Him pronouns.

(Y/n) = Your Name
(A/c) = Armor Color
(M/s) = Mobian Species
(F/c) = Fur Color
(E/c) = Eye Color

» Portrayed Personality «
The reader is an energetic and proud (m/s) who loves the stories of Sonic, wanting nothing more than to be a hero. For a few years, he trained to be the princess's royal guard. The reader now has excellent intelligence with combat, but not quite good field experience due to the quiet nature of the kingdom. Soon he'll meet crazy characters who can crack quite the jokes, that will help him save Elise and stop evil from rising again.

If you have any questions ask...

Here! In the comment section :)

But with that out of the way, I hope you have a good time reading this story. That crazy mist dude has come back thanks to a little mishaps, and now it's time to meet the cast of 𝘚𝘕𝘈𝘗𝘊𝘜𝘉𝘌 06!

Chapter Length @210 Words

- S.Ishvalda


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