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Mature shit alert

Next Morning:

"Hyung?" Alesha said lazily head butting Jimin's chest. Jimin churned in his sleep and tightened his grip, pulling her closer to him. She shot her eyes wide open as she tapped on his head. "What?" he mumbled sleepily. "One my head hurts. Second you're hard." she said. That woke him up for good as he felt the bulge. 

"It's alright every boy gets it in the morning, go take a shower but give me an Ibuprofen before you go." she says. "Ibu what?" he asks as he sits up. "A headache is killing me and I'm not old enough to take an aspirin. Ibuprofen is what I want" she says clearly. "Anything else?" he asks cheekily. 

"Somebody to cuddle." she answers. "Was I that bad?" he says as his lower lip overlaps his top one. "You're not bad. But, you're embarrassed so I know you won't come back until you take a shower or...." she says teasing him. "Alright shut up" he interrupts as he heads out straight to his room then pokes his head out and yells, "One of you should cuddle her and give her some painkillers" Jimin yells. The only people awake were Jin, Taehyung , Jungkook and Yoongi. "Why don't you do it yourself?" Yoongi yelled back to get no response. "Probably needed to use the washroom" Jungkook said. "Probably" Yoongi scoffed. "I'll go" he says as he smirks. "No ways, I'll go. You'll probably start yelling at her." Jin said. 

"Why would he yell at me?" Alesha asked standing near the door of the kitchen. Jungkook spurted the banana milk he was drinking straight onto Taehyung's face who had dropped his fruit. He gives an annoyed look to Jungkook. "Yahh wear some pants!" Jin yelled covering Jungkook and Taehyung's eyes as Suga looked away. "Why is Jimin yelling in the morning?" Hobi said as he entered the kitchen along with Namjoon and were just as confused as Alesha. 

"What are you standing there blankly for!" Jin yelled. Alesha looked down at her feet. She was wearing Jungkook's shirt and it definitely reached below her thighs. But, at the moment, it was stuck in the waistband of her inner wear and had raised to the point her left thigh was visible. She quickly undid it.

 "Go wear something" Jin yelled taking his hands off the Maknae's. Jimin came running in a towel and said something similar to I knew this would happen as he picked up the little girl and dashed back to her room with her. "Did you just see what I saw?" Namjoon asked blinking his eyes. "Morning wood I guess?" Suga tried to justify. "What if it's not morning wood but an actual reaction?" Taehyung asked. " Well, he was sleeping by her side yesterday.." Jin trailed off as realization hit him regarding the possibilities , he dropped his whisk and bowl and dashed off in the same direction.

"That was just a speculation!" Taehyung yelled behind Jin hoping he would stop. " Who gives you such ideas?" Yoongi said making a disgusted expression. "I wonder what goes on in that brain of yours" Namjoon said making a face as well.

 "I was just thinking.." Taehyung pouted. Jungkook patted his head as he handed over a napkin. "Why are you so quiet?" Yoongi asked Jungkook and Hoseok who were usually the lively ones. "I'm sleepy" Hobi yawned. "I'm done eating." Jungkook said as he placed the dishes in the basin and dashed out of the room. "That was unlike him" Namjoon said. "Agreed" Yoongi said. "Now you sound like her" Hobi accused as Yoongi rolled his eyes.


Jin dashed to the entrance of the room angrily but, calmed down when he saw Jimin standing outside a closed door. "Well now you're here, I'll go shower. Scold her for me when she comes out." Jimin said as he was about to walk away. 

"Is that morning wood or a reaction to...?" Jin asked curtly. "What nonsense " Jimin said as he yanked his hand away. "Sorry, I just got angry, she's like a little sister you know?" Jin said as he retracted his arm that was hanging midway. 

"Yeah I get it. Don't be too harsh on her. I'll go now" Jimin said as he walked away. He locked his door and leaned against it. He slid down to the floor with his back against the door holding his face in his arms. "What if it was a reaction?" he said to himself. 

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