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Hey babes I just wanted y'all to know I'm sorry I haven't been super active in updating new chapters but I've been busy with school. Also I haven't been feeling the best mentally and emotionally. It also takes me longer to write chapters because I don't have a plane or like a strong background to the story. At all. I come up with everything as I go on. Also im going to try to update as much as I can now because in about 2 weeks im going to Connecticut for a few days and I'll be to busy focusing on that and I probably won't have time. I will try to start a chapter in the car but I sometimes get car sick 🙃 I just wanted y'all to know this now cause I'll probably forget to tell y'all later. But I love y'all and maybe I'll update tomorrow cause it's Friday 🤷🏽‍♀️ later losers (said with love)

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