Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Violet Hecate

    Monday soon arrived and it was another day at Domino High School again. Despite being troubled with the task of challenging the King of Games, Tokio has a promise that he wanted to fulfill.

After the classes ended, all of the members of the Leisure Games & Odd Jobs Club ended up on the rooftop of the new building.

Tokio was surprised by the additional pots and plants that he found on the rooftop. He was here when the gardening club requested his club members with the decoration of the rooftop. Now, this place become more pleasant to the eyes since he last came here.

At his stare, Mayumi puffed out her chest in pride.

" President you may not aware of this, while you are not here, the Gardening Club is furious that someone has decided to mess up the rooftop garden because of the broken pots and plants. But it also makes them more determined to make this place even more beautiful. Isn't it admirable President? "

Seeing the genuine pride that Mayumi have for those gardening club members, Tokio decided to agree.

" Indeed.. "

If he has time to slack in the future, he should come here often and spend his time sleeping in this place. Hopefully, in the future, someone would manage to bring a tree to this rooftop and he can sleep under the shade.

" President Tokio, are you prepared for your ass to get beaten? "

While Tokio was thinking of his slacker life, Tomoyuki called out to him. He wasn't the one who would duel him, why is he the one who sounds excited? He then glances at Tomoyuki who was sitting on one of the benches on the rooftop, but he was surprised by what he sees on Tomoyuki's shoulder.

" Is that a parrot?! "

Tokio asked incredulously.

" Yup! Didn't I tell you that we have a pet parrot at home? It is this guy! Anyway, his name is Nobunaga! "

{ Nobu! Nobu! }

Tokio massage his forehead a little bit and decided to just let Tomoyuki do his own thing. He then turned his head and glanced at Risa who was already sitting on the opponent's chair.

" I am your opponent today Tokio, you shouldn't let your attention be diverted by a weird guy. "

" Hey! I am not a weird guy cause I brought Nobunaga here!! "

Tomoyuki called out to the side while Mayumi and Hailey giggled beside him. Risa ignored Tomoyuki and reveal a feral smile that was full of bloodlust.

" I would beat you Tokio! "

Tokio who sat on the opposite chair shivered under the intense gaze of Risa. Why does she look so competitive and passionate today? Tokio still remembered the punch that came from her. It fucking hurts.

" Risa, can you calm yourself down first? "

" Hmph, no way. We should start the game as soon as possible since my sisters would be worried if I didn't return some of the cards that I borrowed from them. "

" I see. But how about we change the usual rules of the duel monster first to have a fulfilling battle? Don't you think that 2000 points are too little? We should make it to 4,000. "

Risa narrowed her eyes and asked dubiously.

" I think that you only didn't just want to make LP 4000 don't you President? You may have also modified some rules. Just like what you did with some of our games..  "

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