Chapter 46

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Cannon Fodder Chapter 46: My Tears Are Pearls 4: Forget

Yu Ze was shocked. He resisted the urge to turn and run, and instead asked the stall owner who was looking at him with an excited face, "What is me? Do you know me?"

The stall owner patted him enthusiastically on the shoulder, "Young man, everyone at the beach knows you. Search and rescue teams have been looking for you since yesterday, and there is a reward for finding you! Let's go, I'll take you to the search and rescue team, and we'll split the reward."

Yu Ze was pulled and he staggered. The stall owner hurried to help him, "Sorry, is your foot hurt? I'll call a car."

Yu Ze's feet were swollen and sore, so he didn't refuse the vendor's offer and hesitantly asked, "Are you sure the search and rescue team is looking for me?"

The stall owner pointed his finger at his hair and gestured, "That's right, the boy with long white hair and good looks. That's you!"

Yu Ze was still a bit confused and couldn't imagine who was looking for him. He suspected that others were looking for a boy with a similar appearance to him. He saw that the stall owner was harmless and wanted to see if there was a misunderstanding. After all, the stall owner could be mistaken and so could the rest of the people, so he might as well find out once and for all.

In the car, he chatted with the stall owner, specifically asking, "Do people who go out to sea to find treasures sell their treasures in stalls like you do?"

"Of course not. We only sell some trinkets to tourists. Exotic items are usually consigned to the auction house because you can get more money."

Yu Ze asked, "Are there no pawn stores?"

The stall owner, "Yes, there are pawn stores of all sizes, but unless you need money urgently, don't go to a pawn store. The price is too low. If you pawn something there, it will end up at the auction house, and the price may be more than doubled."

Yu Ze felt his heart palpitate. The price did not matter as long as there were pawn stores. Anyway, the pearls were very precious, and would not be cheap either way. He could also produce an unlimited output.

As he was talking, the car stopped and the stall owner said, "Here we are."

Yu Ze got out of the car and the building in front of him had a plaque on it: the Maritime Security Bureau.

He followed the stall owner inside, the receptionist heard their reason for coming, contacted the person in charge, and in a moment a tall man came out. He looked at Yu Ze and opened his communicator.

A transparent light blue electronic screen appeared and Leon appeared on it, "Any news?"

Dinant, the head of security, moved the camera to Yu Ze, "Is this him?"

Leon's gaze stopped for a moment on Yu Ze's face, and the scene of Yu Ze falling into the sea came to his mind, his hat falling down and his long hair spilling out, a white shadow cutting through the air. He said, "It's him."

Dinant asked, "Will you pick him up, or shall I have him sent to you?"

Leon questioned, "Is he hurt?"

Dinant answered, "A foot injury, I don't know anything else for now."

Leon said, "Take him to the hospital, I'll pick him up."

Throughout the whole conversation, Yu Ze only heard Dinant's words, not Leon's, but after seeing Leon, he finally understood why someone would look for him. He silently sent a good man card to Leon, this soldier. What a great guy. He didn't expect that the other would have someone looking for him after he fell into the water.

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