Chapter Thirty Three: The Party - Part Two

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*******Jin's POV*******

I was watching Kris as she became a giggling mess in front of another guy. Not just any guy, but another idol.

Fucking Jinhwan.

I glanced around the room, looking for Joon. This was his fault. He was the one that was making this so damn difficult. Why couldn't he just accept our soulmate bond and be happy about it?

But no.

He had to go and make things worse.

*******"We should talk about how we're going to act on the show," Namjoon said, looking at me, then at Kris.

"What do you mean?" Kris asked him. She was frowning and I hated that he kept putting that look on her pretty face.

"I don't think we should be seen on the show together," he tells us. His voice is monotone, like he's reading an instructional manual. "We shouldn't act towards each other in a way that will make people want to see us go on dates together."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Please tell me that you're joking."

"I can assure you that I'm not," Joon said, staring back at me.

"So you really texted us, made us come all of the way down that damn hill, just to be an even bigger ass than you're already being?" I asked him. I was in shock. This wasn't like him. This wasn't the Namjoon that I had fallen for and been in love with the past nine years.

"What the hell is your deal?" I asked him. "Why are you being like this?"

"I'm not being like anything," he told me. "I'm just trying to be practical here."

"And you think that the practical thing to do is to be an absolute dick to your soulmates?" I asked him. I could hear my own voice wavering a little, but I took a deep breath. I refused to cry in front of him.

"I'll say it again...I'm just being practical."

"No. You're not," I said. "The practical thing would be to accept your soulmates and live happily ever after."

"We're not living in a fairy tale here, Seokjin," he told me with a frown.

"Except that that's exactly how it's supposed to be," Kris said from beside me. "Didn't you learn this in school when they were teaching about soulmates? The man who created the Elixir literally created it so that people could find their happily ever after, their real-life fairy tale. He wanted everyone to be able to find the person who was made for them. This is supposed to be our fairy tale, Namjoon, and you're ruining it."

"When they taught us about it, soulmate bonds only had two people," he said as he looked at Kris for the first time since we had sat down.

"Why is it so bad that our bond has three people?" Kris asked him. "So do Mairette and Mandy's bonds, and they seem okay with it. Happy even. Why can't you just accept this and be happy with us?"

"Because I don't want to," he says without any hesitation. "I want a normal soulmate bond."

"Normal bonds are dying, Namjoon," I told him. "Haven't you been listening to the doctors as we've been prepping for the show? Bonds like ours are the new normal, Joonie."

"It's not what I want," he said, staring right into my eyes.

"But it's what you have," Kris told him, drawing his attention away from me. "Why can't you just accept that? We could be happy together. The three of us. You're not going to be magically given a new soulmate bond. It's us or nothing."

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