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I started watching ppl from luxiem recently and

luca is so
so so so so
so fine 😍😍😍😍😍

HES SO CUTE TOO help3)"92((&8$+


Unfortunately, you couldn't spend time with Koshar after the parade.

You were busy with even more paperwork, and he was busy with his knightly duties—and with the countless ladies swooning over him. You added bitterly in your thoughts.

Yes, Koshar was indeed beautiful, you knew that better than anyone having been one of his close friends and seeing his face alot of times in your life, but you didn't seem to like the fact that other women would crush on him.

"Miss ( y/n ), best hurry with those papers." Mckenna hums, still standing behind you to make sure you were doing your work properly.

Surprisingly, you were quick and smart.

At first, Mckenna only watched over you to make sure you didn't legally allow something ridiculous in your dukedom, but he was pleasantly surprised to see and hear you click your tongue irritably anytime there was something idiotic written on the paper.

Your sentences were quick and direct and your handwriting was elegant—albeit messy.

It was evident that you had truly been raised within the residence of the Troby.

You had all these skills, built up with hard work and dedication. It was a shame you rarely used it in political manners.

"Mckenna, can't I take a breeeaaakkk?" You grumble, turning towards the bird brain with a pleading look.

As always, he gives you an angry business man look, "No—"

"Grand Duke of Rwbit requests for an audience, Lady ( y/n )." One of the knights outside your temporary office knock three times on your door, surprising both you and the Secretary.

Kaufman is here..?

"Let him in."

The doors open, revealing the said man who's dressed as elegant as ever.

Your blue haired companion inwardly sighs before leaving, knowing you'd let him leave to speak privately with your long time friend.


You cry out in your thoughts, grinning as Mckenna leaves in defeat.

Once the doors shut, Kaufman speaks, pleasantly surprised to see you working behind a table. "Alot has changed since I left."

You roll your eyes, dropping the pen and rolling your painful wrist, "Enjoy the show while you can, Grand duke."

He chuckles, taking a seat in front of you before sighing out as if he'd just gone out of a taxing situation.

Well, he did.

The love potion was still in effect, seeing the Navier married to another man still hurt him. And furthermore, against his will did he have an indirect arguement with the King after reading his mind.

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