Chapter twenty-seven.

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Newt placed his open case on the floor, beneath the massive hole in the subway ceiling. The case began to shake slightly, and then, out soared Frank, he spread his wings high before landing in front of me and Newt, I handed Newt the vial of Swooping Evil venom before walking forward and hugging around Frank's feathered neck tightly. Newt started to speak, more to himself than anyone in particular, "I was intending on waiting until we got to Arizona, but it seems like now you are our only hope, Frank."

Newt waked forward and hugged Frank's head lovingly, Frank pushed his head into Newt, Newt looked up at him with sorrow filled eyes, "I'll miss you too."

Newt moved away from Frank, he looked over at me, I moved in front of Frank and placed a gentle kiss to his beak, making him nudge and preen at my hair, "I know, buddy. I promise to come and try to visit."

I stepped back beside Newt, he took the vial of venom from his pocket and twiddled it between his fingers, Newt looked over at Frank, holding out the venom, "You know what you've got to do."

Newt threw the vial high into the air, Frank followed, catching it elegantly before flying high into the sky, everyone crowded under the hole to watch him go up into the sky, disappearing into the clouds, blue lightening cracking in the sky, and then the rain started. I stood as close to Newt as possible, he placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side as we watched Frank fly away, back home, where he belonged.

As we watched the roof close up, Newt turned to Madam Picquery, "They won't remember anything."

"The venom has incredible obliviating properties." I stated.

"We owe you both a great debt. Now—get that case out of New York." She stated, her tone light as she spoke.

"Yes, ma'am." I stated, looking up at Newt as he nodded to her.

As she was walking away, I noticed Queenie moving to stand in front of Jacob, clearly knowing what was coming, Madam Picquery turned back around, "Is that No-Maj still here?"- upon seeing Jacob appear from behind Queenie- "Obliviate him. There can be no exceptions."

I looked at her with an anguish filled glance, and I knew everyone's face would be showing the same look, she looked between us, her expression softening slightly, "I'm sorry—but even one witness you know the law. I'll let you say goodbye."

She left after that, leaving us all with heavy hearts, Newt leant down and closed his case, gathering it in his hands and taking my hand in his other. We walked in silence to the top of the steps of the subway, where the rain was pouring outside, the streets were completely empty, apart from a few Aurors still fixing the city. Queenie grabs his coat before he can step out into the rain, he turned back to us, "Hey. Hey, this is for the best. Yeah—I was—I was never even supposed to be here."

Queenie looked up at him, her beautiful face full of distress, Jacob wasnt fairing much better, his face was crumbling with emotion, I looked up at Newt, his face was full of sadness, Tina was looking at the scene with a pained expression across her features, I had tears clinging to my eyelashes as I blinked them away, a few falling down my cheeks.

"I was never supposed to know any of this. Everybody knows Newt and Rosaline only kept me around because—hey—Newt, Rosaline, why did you keep me around?" Jacob asked, looking down at us.

I looked up at Newt seeing the uneasy decision come to him, to be explicit with his answer, "Because I like you. Because you're my friend and I'll never forget how you helped us, Jacob."

I blinked away some more tears before looking back up at Jacob, "Because the world needs more people like you, Jacob. You helped us when you could have ran the other way. I am proud to call you my friend and I won't forget you."

He was overcome with emotion from our honesty, "Oh!"

Queenie moved up the stairs, standing closer to him, "I'll come with you. We'll go somewhere—we'll go anywhere—see, I ain't never gonna find anyone like—"

"There's loads like me." He commented.

"No no.. there's only one like you." She protested.

Wiping a tear from his eye, he motioned behind him with his thumb, "I gotta go."

As he went to walk away, Newt started after him, "JACOB!"

Jacob turned around and looked back at us, trying to force a smile on his face, "It's okay.. it's okay it's okay. It's just like waking up, right?"

We smiled back at him, trying to soothe the situation, but I couldn't just stand there and watch his heart and Queenie's heart break in front of me, before he could step out I rushed forward, grabbed his jacket and pulled him back under the shelter, "Stop!"

I pointed to Newt's case, a demanding and protective tone taking over me, "Get in there, now!"

They all stared at me shocked, Newt knew what I was thinking, he looked up at me, "Do you really think it could work?"

"We have to try," I replied, still holding Jacob so he couldnt go out into the rain.

"Get in, Jacob." Queenie begged.

Newt placed his case down on to the top step of the subway, he flicked the clasps open and caught the Niffler as he tried to escape, I sighed heavily and took the Niffler from Newt and sheltered him under my coat. Tina looked down at the case, her face conflicted, but when she looked at the hopeful look on Queenies face, that all went away and she looked at me and Newt, "What do we have to do?"

"All of you get in. We just need to get somewhere safe for now." I replied, finally letting go of Jacob's jacket.

They all looked each other before complying, I held out my hand for support as they all lowered themselves down and when Jacob's head had disappeared into the case I placed the Niffler down into Queenie's hands. Newt snapped the case closed, he flicked the clasps shut and turned to me with a wide eyed look, "Do you really think we can pull this off without being caught?"

"I think it's entirely possible, I wouldn't be able to sleep soundly at night without saying that we tried to help him. He doesn't deserve any of this, he is our friend we have to help him. We just need to get somewhere safe, so we can discuss a real plan of how we gonna get the country that anyone realises that Jacob is with us." I replied, holding on his arm as he held it out for me.

"I know a place." He stated, smiling softly at me.

A case full of love// Newt Scamander.Where stories live. Discover now