Episode 9:Mega

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Pika woke up yawning the next morning but remembered what happened last night and felt guilty. "I-I killed a man...but...but...I didn't mean to. I-I didn't mean to..." He curled up in his bed feeling very guilty. "M-Maybe i'm not mature enough..."  he sighed sadly as he stayed in his room. The Titans all sat down for breakfast while waiting for Pika but he didn't come out. "Where's Pika? It's not like him to be late for breakfast." Robin murmured to himself. "Do you think he feels guilty about what happened last night?" Starfire asked them. "It wasn't his fault. Brother Blood pushed him too far." Cyborg added. "Yeah...if it weren't for Pika's quick thinking you wouldn't have found me and...I would've resurrected my father." Raven added before she levitated his breakfast to her. Pika was still in his room under the covers even though his stomach was growling and he heard a knock at his door. "Pika? It's me." Raven told him outside his door but to her surprise there was no answer. "Ok...if your not answering...I'm coming in." She ghosted through his wall with his breakfast and sat down on his bed uncovering him. Pika looked at Raven guiltily. "Raven?" Pika was surprised that she came into his room and he was even more surprised when she held him in her arms. "Pika...last night wasn't your fault. but as being a hero you should never kill. We'll teach you. You have extraordinary powers but you should use them responsibly. Do you understand?" Pika looked at Raven seriously and ate his breakfast with Raven beside him.

Bill was thinking about how to send next. "Hmmm...Next is Control Freak" Control Freak laughed evilly. "Finally! Mega Evolution! G/Dynamaxing! Z-moves! These pesky Titans will realize Pika's true powers!" He laughs evilly as Bill teleports him to earth while Raven was comforting Pika. "I actually...scared one villain so much that he developed a phobia of me and I enjoy scaring him." Pika chuckled. "I can't imagine..." He looked at her warmly. "Raven...thank you." Raven lightly smiled at him. "Don't mention it. Now...your spending time with Cyborg today. He's cool." Pika finished his breakfast and rubbed his stomach before he finally left his room with Raven behind him. The others looked at Pika warmly. "Good morning Pika." The others greeted him. "Hi Guys. I-I'm sorry that i worried you all." Pika looked down but Robin came towards him. "Pika...we don't blame you for what you did. this is a learning experience. we will all teach you how to be a good hero. Even though you did destroy Brother Blood...you did show maturity though." The others nodded and Cyborg picked him up. "Come on little guy. your hanging with me today." 

Pika looked confused and intrigued as to where Cyborg was taking him. "Cyborg? where are we going and what is this vehicle?" They were in the T-car which was Pika's first time. "This is my baby. my own creation. The T-car! And we're doing something that every guy should know:Sports!" They went to the park and Cyborg got a football basketball and Soccer ball. "Ok Pika. the first one is called a football. Now...when I throw it to you I want you to throw it back." Cyborg got ready to throw it. "Go Long!" Cyborg threw it and Pika turned into Growlithe the Puppy Pokémon chasing it until he jumped in the air catching it with mouth. "Like that?" Pika wagged his tail as he brought the ball back. "Uh...not what i meant but ok.." Pika enjoyed playing Football with Cyborg. Cyborg was having fun teaching Pika about Sports and seeing what Pokémon he turned into. When they played Basketball Pika turned into Machamp and in Soccer he turned into Diglett. "Wow...I'm impressed Pika. You did a good job today. let's go home." Pika smiled. "Thanks Cyborg. This was fun." They got home and the Titans were having chicken tacos except for Beast Boy who has spaghetti and sauce. "Hey. How'd it go Cyborg?" Robin asked as they walked in. "It was great! It turns out Pika is great at sports!" Cyborg smiled as they walked in and sat down. "So what Pokémon did he turn into?" Starfire and Robin asked. Raven was listening in on them eating her dinner beside Pika. "Pika turned into Growlithe, Machamp and Diglett!" Cyborg smiled as he ate dinner. After dinner Pika went to bed as he had a good day with Cyborg today and went to sleep happy. Raven meanwhile searched through the book that Cyborg mentioned. "What was the first one again? Growlithe? Let's see..."

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