34 - Back In Brooklyn

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"Are you alright?" Steve asks with a comforting tone as we drive through the streets of New York.

"Not entirely," I sigh, "I haven't felt this lost since I found out that both you and Bucky were gone. Back in '45."

"When I got out of the ice back in 2011, I was told you were killed," Steve begins, "I had no idea you were going through the same thing as Bucky. After we took down Hydra, I never stopped searching for you. And even when we met again in Sokovia... It felt like we didn't know each other because of everything that happened. But I'm glad we're back to how we used to be. Though, I'm not skinny and you're still smarter than me."

"Do you ever wish you never took the serum?" I ask, "that you, Bucky and I just lived out our lives from the 40s and never got to where we are now?"

"Sometimes," he sighs, "but to be honest, I would rather be here as who I am now, than who we all used to be."

"It's just," I say, "we have such a crazy life as Avengers. I don't know anyone else who's life is like this."

"Would you change anything?" Steve asks.

"I would have preferred it if I just got stuck in ice like you did," I chuckle, "but... I don't think I would. I never would have had the relationship with Pietro that I did, or with anyone I think."

"And to be fair we would probably be dead by now so there's that." I laugh.

"Yeah, there is," Steve joins in as he pulls into the parking lot of his apartment, "here we are."

We wander up to Steve's apartment, leaving boxes at the door then getting more from the car. When we do get into his apartment, a familiar atmosphere sets in. Steve's designed his apartment in a way that, if you didn't look at the modern world through the windows, you would think that you're in the 1940s. I smile softly, feeling comfortable in this environment.

"Hey, you got the original shield." I point out, placing some boxes on the couch.

"Yeah," Steve smiles, "Fury got it for me when I came out the ice."

"That's awesome." I smile back, picking up a few of the boxes from by the door and placing them in the spare room.

I set my room up in a similar way to how it was at the compound, though some things had to be in different places due to how the room is laid out. 

"This is cosy," Steve stands in the doorway, "you doing alright now?"

"A little better," I sigh, "did it feel weird to you?"

"What did?" He asks.

"When you first moved back to Brooklyn, did it feel weird?"

"To start with, yes," he states, "but once I got the apartment like this, it didn't feel that way anymore. It took a while for it to not feel weird anymore, soon it felt like home again."

"Come on, I made drinks at got the fire going," Steve continues, "do you want any music?"

"Your most 40s sounding record." I laugh, walking into the living room and flopping on the couch.

"You're not moving, are you?" Steve asks when he hands me my drink.

"Nope." I grin.

"It's just like Christmas '38 all over again." He chuckles.

"Except it's you and not James." I point out.

"Yeah." He sits on the chair next to the fire.

"Why have you got the fire going? It's June." I ask.

"Because it's cold and apparently raining." Steve answers.

"That's poetic," I roll my eyes, "what do we do now?"

"I'm really not sure," he states, "I might carry on with what Sam was doing at the VA, but that'll have to be in a few years."

"What was Sam doing?"

"Volunteered at the VA as a trauma counsellor for those who served."

"Did you ever go?" I ask.

"Only listened to the last five minutes of a session a few days after I met him." Steve says.

"How did you meet him?"

"I was running by the Washington Monument and I kept overtaking him," he chuckles, "so, if he ever calls me 'the running man,' that's why."

"I was never really that close with him," I sigh, "but you were so maybe I should make an effort. If he ever comes back that is."

"You don't have to." He chuckles.

"Well, who knows what will happen," I laugh, "I might end up being stuck with him and Bucky for the rest of my life."

"Ok," Steve laughs as well, "that's a fair point."

The conversation ends a few minutes later and Steve picks up his sketchpad and pencil, while I continue reading the book I got a few days ago. Bucky recommended that I should read 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,' when we were in Wakanda, and although I had already read it, I picked up a copy from the bookstore as the copy I read before belonged to Wanda.

I hum along to the music that's playing in the background, the crackling of the fire going as well. There's not many moments for peace and quiet as an Avenger, and despite everything that has happened over the past few days, everything feels so much more peaceful than usual. 

An hour or so passes, and Steve and I say 'goodnight' to each other before heading off to bed. Instead of going to sleep straight away, I decide to call Nat to see how she is and if she's still awake.

"Hey, Laurie."

"Hey, you're still awake."

"Can't sleep."

"That's why I called. How are you feeling?"

"I'm not sure. I'm trying to relax but nothing seems like it's working."

"Have you spoken to Tony or Pepper about it?"

"No. Tony's still in the medical bed and Pepper fell asleep on the couch in there a few hours ago."

"Do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you?"

"Not really. Though it's the same thing as everyone else."

"That's alright. Have you got any plans for the week?"

"Probably just training, only to get my anger out. What about you?"

"I'm not sure yet. Steve said he'd carry on what Sam was doing at the VA, but I don't think I'm up for that."

"Trauma counselling?"


"Makes sense."

"I know you said you can't sleep, but do you want to at least try? It is pretty late."

"I'll give it a go. Goodnight then, Laurie."

"Goodnight, Natalia."

I turn my phone off and place it on my side table before getting into bed. I do my usual of staring at the ceiling until I feel tired enough to sleep. Ten minutes goes by and I turn the lamp off, leaving the light of the streetlamp on the corner to shine faintly through my curtains.

A/N ~ 03/05 publish - fixing spelling on the last paragraph :)

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